Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Contribution of Benjamin Franklin to The American...

Benjamin Franklin was one of the most influential men of the eighteenth century. He was the only man to sign all of these four major documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Constitution of the United States, and the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain. Franklin was an inventor, a philosopher, a writer, a musician, and he actively participated in many congressional articles used by the government of the United States of America. His tombstone, however, simply referred to him as printer, reflecting his great humility. One of the things he was most influential in was the separation of the American colonies from British rule. In fact, Benjamin Franklin was vital to the success of the American†¦show more content†¦Walter Isaacson states that William was concerned for his father, but both he and Galloway remained loyalists. Franklin sought after a way to keep America and England under one empire, but he knew that this would only occur if Britain would cease its oppression of the American people. When it became obvious that the King would not stop his endless taxes and limits on trade, a fight for independence became the only clear way to put an end to it. Unfortunately, not every American saw the issue as clearly as Franklin. Most were afraid of the consequences to a rebellion against British rule. John Dickinson, put forward the last appeal to England on July 5. It later became known as the Olive Branch Petition, in which Congress called for the King to come to Americas rescue. On the same day the petition was sent out, Franklin finally decided to let the public know where he stood on this great political issue. Rather than giving a moving speech or making obviously rebellious actions, Benjamin chose to write a letter to a dear friend in England, William Strahan. You are a Member of Parliament, and one of that Majority which has doomed my country to destruction. You have begun to burn our towns, and murder our peo ple. Look upon your hands! They are stained with the blood of your relations! You and I were long friends: You are now my enemy, and I am, Yours, According to Isaacson, the most peculiar thing aboutShow MoreRelatedBenjamin Franklin and His Contribution to the American Revolution2205 Words   |  9 PagesBenjamin Franklin was one of the most influential men of the eighteenth century. He was the only man to sign all of these four major documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Constitution of the United States, and the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain. Franklin was an inventor, a philosopher, a writer, a musician, and he actively participated in many congressional articles used by the government of the United States of America. His tombstone, however, simplyRead MoreThe Success Of The American Revolution1304 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican Revolution not only created freedom but also created technological geniuses. The American Revolution was a time period of warfare, for independence between Britain and the thirteen colonies, but it was also the breakthrough for technological advancem ents that would change American’s life forever. After every war, the development of a country increases. As for the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin influenced and created a huge contribution in his politics, scientifical research, andRead MoreBenjamin FranklinS Contributions To The American History1537 Words   |  7 Pages Benjamin Franklin s contributions to the American history Benjamin Franklin has a significant impact to the American Revolution and the building of a new nation. His brilliant inventions throughout his life made a significant impact on the United States and will be remembered for them in U.S history. Franklin had inventions like the Franklins stove, and the lightning rod, he also discovered electricity. His inventions and discoveries have changed lives from the first day it was introduced.Read MoreEssay on Benjamin Franklin: American Diplomat1045 Words   |  5 Pagesworld. Today however, many Americans have forgotten to honor these groups of intellectuals that built this country and refused to rule it. Benjamin Franklin, a famous and respected diplomat in the seventeen hundreds, was one of the most influential founders of this country. As a member of the Benjamin Franklin Birthday Association, I strongly declare a national holiday to honor Franklin because he made numerous achievements for this nation. 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These might be typical sayings you would hear had it not of been for one of our founding fathers Benjamin Franklin. I choose Benjamin Franklin to write my essay about Benjamin Franklin because without him and all of his contributions to society then we wouldn’t have the modern convinces that the people of my generation take for grantedRead More An Analysis on Benjamin Franklin Essay example1617 Words   |  7 PagesAn Analysis on Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston. His father, Josiah Franklin, who was a tallow chandler, had seventeen children; Benjamin was the fifteenth child and the tenth son. His mother, Abiah Folger, was his father’s second wife. After he went to grammar school from age eight to ten, Benjamin started working at his father’s business. He didn’t like the work very much, however, and so he began to work for a cutler. WhenRead MoreEssay on ben franklin635 Words   |  3 Pages Ben Franklin Ben Franklin became famous for being a scientist, an inventor, a statesman, a printer, a philosopher, and a librarian. Today, we honor Ben Franklin as one of the men who founded America and as one of Americas greatest citizens. Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. He was the tenth son of soap maker, Josiah Franklin. Though Ben only had one year of schooling he was educated and loved to read and write. He worked as an apprentice to his brother, James, who wasRead MorePocahontas And Benjamin Franklin : Tragic And Historical Events Developed During The Time Of American Colonization871 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica more completely than Pocahontas and Benjamin Franklin. Tragic and historical events developed during the lives of Pocahontas and Benjamin Franklin; although their individual situations required very different reactions, both persevered, therefore granting those who came after them the ability to reflect on America’s beginnings with admiration and pride. During the time of American colonization, tensions between the English and the Native Americans rose exponentially. The New World was newlyRead MoreBenjamin Franklin Was Born In A Boston, House January 17,1057 Words   |  5 PagesBenjamin Franklin was born in a Boston, house January 17, 1706, the tenth son of Abiah Folger, daughter of an indentured servant. His father Josiah Franklin was a candlemaker. He went to Boston’s Latin school when he was 8 where everyone thought he was Harvard bound. When he was 12, he was unsure of his religious beliefs and did not divorce himself to school therefore dropping out. Later recognized as one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin played a major role in the construction of America

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Video Games And The Video Game Industry - 1258 Words

Video games are a part of our entertainment industry and are more accessible than they have ever been. The video game industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the U.S. economy. According to Wallace (2014), the video game industry generated about $78.5 billion in revenue and only fell behind the film industry at $88.2 billion. As the industry continues to expand, so does the technology that gives the games more realism and immersion. Games depicting violence is becoming more graphic and detailed than ever before. When video technology was still in it’s infancy, it was easy to distinguish fantasy from reality. Graphics were often abstract, cartoon-like and the interactivity was limited. However, as the technology improved, so did the detail and realism of violence in video games. For example, recent games such as Mortal Kombat show highly extremely detailed scenes of gore, injury, and death that the gamer can inflict on a virtual opponent. It is predicted that by 2016 we’ll have a virtual reality headset that will allow players to be completely immersed inside the game. As violent video games become more realistic to the point where the distinction between virtual and reality is blurred, I wonder how will this affect the people that play them. In this paper, I will be discussing and reviewing many literatures in regards to the effect of video game violence on people. Players range from all ages, but for this paper, I will be discussing the different effects of videoShow MoreRelat edVideo Games And The Video Game Industry792 Words   |  4 Pages The video game industry has changed a lot since its inception, and a large part of that is due to the video game crash of 1983. Despite this, the market itself has remained roughly the same except for the actual devices in it. The quality of the video games has drastically improved over the years. Unfortunately, something that will never change are the greedy companies looking for a quick buck. While the video game industry has grown and improved since the crash, some similarities are starting toRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game Industry1290 Words   |  6 Pagesthe gaming demographic, but the industry hasn’t done much to make them feel welcome. During the last decade, the mainstream video game industry has seemed to operate under the same apparent assumptions: girls don’t play big action games, boys like the sexualization of girls in video games and won’t play as a female character unles s she is heavily sexualized, and that girls play video games for the attention of boys. These assumptions are what allows the gaming industry to continue to focus on theirRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game Industry1344 Words   |  6 Pages In the year 2016, the video game industry hit an important milestone. As seen in this 2015-2019 analysis, the industry hit a market value of over $100,000,000,000: (â€Å"THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKET REACHES $99.6 BILLION IN 2016, MOBILE GENERATING 37%†). Just like today, 1983 was looking great for the future of video games. However, unlike today, 1983 did not go great for the video game industry, it went awfully. In 1983, the video game industry crashed and has not fully recovered to the value of the marketRead MoreVideo Games : The Video Game Industry1574 Words   |  7 PagesThe video game industry is one that continues to grow exponentially with consumers spending over $22 billion dollars on the gaming industry in 2014 (association, 2015). This popularity brings the opportunity to produce a stream of games that continue to expand in their nature and impact on their audience. Video games are now artistic, social and collaborative, with many allowing massive numbers of people to participate simultaneously (htt). The collaboration of the video gaming industry doesn’t stopRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On The Video Game Industry791 Words   |  4 PagesAn Atmosphere Unknown This is the future of the video game industry. Imagine looking through the eyes of your favorite video game character but in reality, you are actual sitting on the couch. Look to the left and you see R2-D2 trying to communicate to you. To the right, you have rebel fighters shooting at storm troopers that are attacking your home planet. Virtual reality lets you do all of this from the comfort of your home. However, Augmented reality lets you do this as well, but it is less virtualRead MoreCompetitive Positioning in the Video Game Industry639 Words   |  3 Pagesonline, PC, console, handheld and mobile game publisher with leading positions across every major category of the rapidly growing interactive entertainment software industry.†1 The video game industry of today looks vastly different than it did 10 years ago, with the stark contrast being that many firms are designing their games to be more family-friendly; the stereotypes of video games no longer being just in the realm of teenage boys. All in all, the industry is faring well with reported sales ofRead MoreVideo Game Industry : Nintendo And Sony2289 Words   |  10 PagesINTRODUCTION Nowadays, the video game industry is one of the faster growing sectors in the world and it is unbelievably expected to increase its revenues for the years ahead. Big giant’s companies as Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are constantly competing and technology and innovation are vital to keep pace with this demanding and challenging field. This essay will discuss two companies within the video games industry, Nintendo and Sony, trying to define their international strategies and their proceduresRead MoreHome Video Game Industry Analysis Essay862 Words   |  4 PagesSubject: The Home Video Game Industry: Industry Analysis History In 1949 the video game was thought of for the first time by an engineer named Ralph Baer but it would be years before video games would enter the spotlight.1 In 1972 Steve Bushnell started the first gaming company Atari. Until 1978 there were very few games for the home system. In 1982 Atari releases a newer version and sales start to sore. In 1985 Nintendo enters the market with the NES. Nintendo still outsells both companiesRead More1970s: The Birth of Video Game Industry Essay1718 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction 1970s was considered as the birth of video game industry, the phenomenon of gaming was growing and home gaming console Home-Pong which was a one-game-only console was invented by Atari, since then, the gaming industry has become very profitable, and more and more genre of video games were created. Although video games have become more and more popular as time changes, it still has to face the criticism, ‘media panic’. Meida panic happens when a new media appears; people will have aRead MoreFive Forces Analysis of the Video Game Industry943 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of the Video Game Industry The video game industry is the economic sector involved with the development, marketing and sale of video and computer games. It includes video game consoles, game software, handheld devices, mobile games and online games. The video gaming industry has been growing exponentially in recent years with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo competing for the higher profits in the market. This essay will analyze each of the five forces acting on the industry: threat of new

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Symbols in a Dolls House free essay sample

This may be symbolic of the flawed state of her marriage and of her feelings about it. Mrs Linde, who is less impetuous and more mature than Nora, suggests repairing it, and it is Mrs Linde who decides that Nora and Torvald must be made to face the truth about Noras secret. She believes it would be beneficial to the marriage, though in Noras view the marriage, like the dress, is beyond repair. The Tarantella The Tarantella was a wild southern Italian dance, generally danced by a couple or line of couples. The dance was named after the tarantula spider, whose poisonous bite was mistakenly believed to cause tarantism, an uncontrollable urge for wild dancing. The cure prescribed by doctors was for the sufferer to dance to exhaustion. Modern psychologists speculate that the true cause of the disorder, which achieved its highest profile in the nineteenth century and which involved symptoms of what would now be called hysteria, was not the spiders bite but the repressed morals of that age. We will write a custom essay sample on Symbols in a Dolls House or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The only outlet for passionate self-expression, they reason, was the Tarantella. In this light, it is significant that Torvald tells Nora to practice the Tarantella while he shuts himself away in his office: I shall hear nothing; you can make as much noise as you please. While Torvald is ostensibly being indulgent towards his wife, the image of her practicing this passionate dance alone and unheard emphasizes her isolation within her marriage. She persuades him to watch her practice the dance in order to prevent him opening Krogstads letter. He tries to rein in her wildness with his instructions, but she ignores his comments and dances ever more wildly, her hair coming loose. The mythology of tarantism suggests that she is dancing in order to rid herself of a deadly poison. Depending on how we wish to interpret this symbolism, the poison may be the threat posed by Krogstads revelations, or the poison of deception and hypocrisy that characterizes the Helmer marriage. Light Light is most often used to symbolize Noras state of awareness. After Torvald claims to be man enough to take everything upon himself (Act 2) and while she is talking to Dr Rank, the light begins to grow dark. This symbolism refers to two processes. First, Nora is using her sexual attractiveness to manipulate the dying Dr Rank into giving her money to pay off her loan. When Dr Rank confesses his love for her, she is shocked out of her game. She brings in a lamp, telling Dr Rank that he must feel ashamed of himself now that the lamp has come. Light also appears to symbolize hope and spiritual redemption when Dr Rank is talking in code to Nora about his coming death (Act 3). He talks of death as a big black hat that will make him invisible, an image of obliteration of life. But Nora brings him a light for his cigar as she wishes him goodbye. Dr Rank loves her, and in spite of her sometimes dubious behavior towards him, she has given him understanding, compassion and acceptance. She also means at this point, it seems, to join him in death by committing suicide. Their bond is represented on stage by the image of them standing together in the pool of light from her match a frame that excludes Torvald. Christmas tree In Norway, Christmas is an important family celebration, but the focus of the festivities and the opening of presents occurs on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day is something of an anti-climax. This is paralleled by events in the play. At the beginning of the play on Christmas Eve, Nora still believes her marriage to be happy. We see her ordering the Christmas tree to be brought in and insisting that it is hidden until she has decorated it. Symbolically, this alerts us to the fact that there are hidden aspects to life in this household, that a carefully created appearance is what matters, and that Nora is the keeper of appearances. Significantly, when she is trying to wheedle Torvald into keeping Krogstad in his job, she draws his attention to how pretty the flowers on the tree look. By Christmas Day, the tree is stripped of its ornaments and its candles have burnt out (a link with the symbol of light). By this point, Torvald has refused to keep Krogstad in his job and Nora feels sure that Krogstad will reveal all to him. The carefully maintained appearance of the happy marriage is disintegrating under the encroachment of truth. New Years Day New Years Day is traditionally viewed as a new beginning, and the Helmers at the beginning of the play are looking forward to just such a new beginning. Torvald is due to start a new and better paid job at the bank, and Nora anticipates being free from her debt. By the end of the play, Nora has indeed made a new beginning, though it is of a quite different nature, consisting in leaving Torvald and her children. Other characters too enter new phases in their life. Mrs Linde and Krogstad begin their life together after long periods of suffering, and Dr Rank dies, which can be seen as an end or a transition, depending on ones viewpoint.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Victory of Mittal Over Arcelor in Global Steel

Introduction According to Caldeira and Ward (2001), Resource-based theory helps to â€Å"understand how organizations achieve sustainable competitive advantages†, and its main focus is mainly on the effectiveness of the organization in its pursuit of competitive edge in the market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Victory of Mittal Over Arcelor in Global Steel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A firm can be said to be a collection of physical, human and organizational resources; however, the firm will enjoy significant success relative to its rivals if it can manage to amass adequate intangible resources that gives it a unique identity that will be difficult to imitate. As Conner (1991, cited in Gossy, 2008) argued, â€Å"the performance differentials between organizations depend on having a set of unique inputs and capabilities.† According to resource-based theory, competitive advantage does happen o nly when â€Å"there is a case of resource heterogeneity and resource immobility† (Barney and Clark, 2010). The Meaning and Principles of Resource Based Theory Silviano (2006) states that, according to resource-based view, a firm’s ability to nurture outstanding and unique capabilities boost its ability to adapt to the dynamic economic environment as well as to improve its survival prospects. Barney (1991, cited in Gossy, 2008, p. 27) argues that in order to provide competitive advantage, a resource must fulfill the following four criteria: Valuable: the resource must have strategic value to the firm (for instance, by exploiting opportunities or neutralizing threats). Scarce: the resource must be unique and costly for rival firms to acquire. Imperfect imitability: It should be impossible to perfectly imitate mainly because it is not easy to acquire; since the link between the capability and the achieved sustained competitive advantage is ambiguous; or because it is so cially complex). Non-substitutability: competitors cannot substitute the resource by another alternative resource to achieve the same results. As Grover et al (1998, cited in Gossy, 2008, p.84) explain, â€Å"the essence of a resource-based theory is that, given resource heterogeneity and resource immobility and satisfaction of the requirement of value, rareness, imperfect immitability, and non substitutability, firms’ resources can be a source of sustained competitive advantage.† Understanding the development of such capabilities and competences involves viewing the assets and resources of the firm from a knowledge-based perspective (Grant, 2009, p. 3). The theory prioritizes the need for leaders to value competence as an intangible business asset that can go a long way in enhancing productivity of the firm; indeed attributes such as experiences, organizational culture and competences play a significant role in ensuring that the firm’s performance is sustainab le (Gossy, 2008).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Moreover, Conner (1991, cited in Gossy, 2008, p.140) suggests, â€Å"An in-house team is likely to produce technical knowledge, skill, or routine that fits better with the firm’s current activities.† The battle between Mittal and Arcelor before merging and the victory of Mittal According to Oglesby and Adams (2009), Mittal replaced Arcelor as the leading global steel company when it purchased ISG and later bought Ukrainian Kryvorizhstal thus raising its annual production capacity to more than 65 tons. Conclusively, this also means that no other steel company in the world has had the mechanism to perfectly copy the firm’s industrial processes and marketing strategies. Therefore, Mittal can be termed as a firm whose resources are imperfectly imitable on those grounds. Mittal initiated the move to swallow it s biggest rival, Arcelor, just as it had previously acquired underperforming assets from Mexico, Kazakhstan and Algeria. Such moves made Mittal to earn applauses from governments as a necessary outsider who revived a decaying firm. The ability of Mittal to do this vividly depicts it as a company loaded with valuable resources, hence able to both exploit available resources and neutralize threats. The ability of Mittal to effectively resist and successively withstand opposition from the Luxembourg government clearly categorizes it a company with highly organized resources that were rare compared to those of its competitors in the steel making industry. According to Arcelor FCS Commercial Magazine (2005), Mittal reacted very promptly to signals from the market. This is in comparison to Arcelor, which is said to have been less reactive, enabling Mittal to come up with a sharp analysis that helped to develop and implement action plans immediately. In addition, according to Global Steel Consultants (2006), Mittal’s strategy has always been to grow by acquisition, and for that reason, it has continued to grow even after merging with Arcelor.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Victory of Mittal Over Arcelor in Global Steel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mittal’s initial plan to merge with Arcelor attracted a six months battle from governments, the banking industry, analysts, and shareholders. This was marked with a lot of opposition that made Arselor’s management resolve to merge with Severstal, a Russian company. The management had further suggested an dividend increment to its shareholders incase they rejected Mittal’s move to merge with Arselor. Finally, governments, shareholders, and analysts supported the merge between the two companies. From the unfolding of these events, it is evident that Arcelor needed a merge with another steel producing company though they co uld not find any other firm whose resources could merge or substitute those of Mittal. Not even Severstal could measure up to Mittal. This is simply because Mittal’s resources were non-substitutable. As Robinson (2009) stated, prior to the merger, Mittal was still the world’s largest steel company. This outstanding stability and credibility of Mittal over Arcelor prior to the amalgamation has made the current ArcelorMittal firm to maintain its superior performance and competitive advantage over its rivals globally. Mittal’s victory evidently sustained in the ArcelorMittal group According to ArcelorMittal leads other big steel-producing firms in the world due to its superior quality products and industrial processes. According to 10 Reasons You Should Buy Arcelor Mittal Bars over Other Big Steel Producers (2009), the reasons for its superiority over other firms are four-fold: Chemical properties, physical properties, processes, and commercial terms. Reasons behin d the superiority of ArcelorMittal There are various reasons that led to ArcelorMittal taking a superior position in the market. First, Sulfur, phosphorus, and nitrogen are all impurities of steel. ArcelorMittal produces steel bars with lower amounts of these components compared to those produced by other companies. Hence its steel bars are pure and of high quality. Second, whereas most steel-producing companies produce short steel bars that make them weak, problematic, and non-uniform, ArcelorMittal produces steel bars that are uniform and strong. Third, the firm uses colossus sum of money in research every year to improve the quality of its products and retain its customers. ArcelorMittal always seeks to attract and nurture the best people. All industrial plants are in the process of certification. Fourth, ArcelorMittal has the most competitive prices for its products compared to that of other big steel companies. Its rebars are also packed in 2MT ton bundles for ease of handling. The bars are also available in standard length of 12 meters.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion ArcelorMittal has demonstrated the success a firm can have through mergers, more so due to the enormous resources that may be applied to ensure all faculties of the firm are strong. In addition, adequate resources allow the firm to formulate strategies that cannot only allow it to establish its identity and competitive advantage, but also to maximize its profitability. Moreover, the resource based theory postulates that a firm will be competitive only if it utilizes its resources capabilities on sound strategies. Reference List Arcelor FCS Commercial Magazine. 2005. Steel solutions for a better world. (Attached material). Barney, J. B. and Clark, D. N., 2010. Resource-based theory: creating and sustaining competitive advantage. Journal of Marketing Management. London, Oxford University Press. Caldeira, M. and Ward, J., 2001. Using resource-based theory to explain the successful adoption and use of information systems and technology in manufacturing small and medium term e nterprises. Global co-operation in the new millennium. (Attached material). Global steel consultants. 2006. Mittal and Arcelor: Do they fit? (Attached material). Gossy, G., 2008. A stakeholder rationale for risk management: implications for corporate finance decisions. Gabler Verlag. Web. Grant, R.M., 2009. The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage: Implications for strategy formulation. Berkeley, University of California. Oglesby, R. A., and Adams, M.G., 2009. Business Research Yearbook. Global Business Perspectives, Volume Xvi, Number 2. International Academy of Business Studies. (Attached material). Robinson, S., 2009. The mergers and acquisitions review. United Kingdom: Law Business Research Limited. (Attached Material). Silviano, E. (2006). The resource-based theory of the firm and firm survival. Small business economics, 30:231–249. Springer: Spain. (Attached material). 10 Reasons You Should Buy Arcelor Mittal Bars over Other Big Steel Producers. 2009. 10 Reaso ns You Should Buy Arcelor Mittal Bars over Other Big Steel Producers. (Attached Material). This essay on Victory of Mittal Over Arcelor in Global Steel was written and submitted by user Jillian Farmer to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Drugs and Music Revolution of 1960s Essays

Drugs and Music Revolution of 1960s Essays Drugs and Music Revolution of 1960s Paper Drugs and Music Revolution of 1960s Paper Essay on The 1960s Music and Drug Revolution The decade of the 1960s is most likely talked about because of the Vietnam War, but most over look what was going on in America. Back in the states the faces of angry anti- war activists were on every major street corner you looked, they protested for peace and to get their brothers out of the Jungles where the vicious war took place. The sixties were also the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement for Black Americans to receive racial dignity, economic and political self-sufficiency: with voting rights, and also freedom from white Americans. Lastly the four major political ssassinations of John F Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. , and Robert F. Kennedy all took place one after another in this decade leaving the Americans in heartbreak and turmoil. Politically leaving the United States at a standpoint on what the hell is there to do next. To get away from the mess, the most effective escape of the time was the music. It changed the depressing feeling to help make the people somewhat forget what harsh realities are happening around them and give them hope. With the music so empowering to some this brought to us what we now know as the Hippie Movement. (Yapp). Most were fed up with the United States leading to thousands of carefree people to hard drugs and rock and roll. During the hard ships in the sixties people used music to find the glass half full instead of half empty. All of the events of the sixties had an effect on the way the people dressed then and still to this day. Self-expression of the 1960s led men and women to grow their hair long and dress freely in bright colors and daring prints that were outrageous and had never been seen before. Events: The 1960s started out on a good foot with John F Kennedy, as President America as happy with the way politics were being handled. He was the second youngest president to ever be in office. John was elected in 1961 and was putting a pretty big hand print on the Americans with big events such as the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Space Race, the African- American Civil Rights Movement, and early stages of the Vietnam War. Until 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated him with a shot to the upper back and a final shot to the head. Pronouncing him dead 30 minutes alter. To this day Kennedy continues to rank ighly in public opinion ratings of U. S. presidents. Following Kennedys assassination were the deaths of civil rights leaders Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. , and JFKs brother Robert F. Kennedy. All four of these deaths happening in such a short amount of time left Americans with really no guidance on what to do next and what was going to happen to them. Socially the United States was tired of being let down and many decided to go about their own ways of carefree living. Many were also in poverty so looking for a brighter side to life. The outcome of looking for a better life was to be a hippie. The ubculture started out with the youth and quickly rose and spread across country and even into some other countries. Hippies created their own communities, listened to psychedelic rock, embraced the sexual revolution and many used drugs such as Marijuana, LSD and mushrooms to explore an altered state ot consciousness. Something that cannot be ignored was the Vietnam War that mainly took place in the 1960s. The war had an estimated 47, 355 American casualties, with men and women losing lives left and right many were in a deep depression. The war went on from 1955 to 1975 with the United States getting highly involved in the 60s. The US got involved to help prevent communism in South Vietnam for containment; with overwhelming firepower, air support, airstrikes, search and destroy operations, and lots of heavy artillery. Although the war did not end until the 70s, the capture of Saigon by the Vietnam Peoples Army in 1975 marked the end of the war, and North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year. Descriptive: The different styles and trends of the sixties are extremely different with all the different social groups. Starting off with the early times of the sixties when John F. Kennedy was still the president and first lady Jacqueline Kennedy (Illustration 1) was the icon of elegance and poise. Her style consisted of pillbox hats, suits in pastel colors with big buttons and short Jackets. A casual day consisted of capris and versatile layers in bright colors these styles were increasingly popular. The sixties were also a time of the British Invasion in America. The ever so popular bad The Beatles had arrived in America at this time with their hit songs still listened to until this day. This sparked a style of what we call Mod. Mod short for Modernists; consisting of women copying mens style with fitted Levis Jeans and sneakers. Also wearing mens shirts, tailors suits, mini skirts, A-line skirts, and trousers. The Mod style icon was Twiggy (Illustration 2), a popular British model who broke the rules for women style and taking them out of the conservative long dress and long skirt confines of the previous 1950s. Finding your personal style and dressing how you felt was the biggest trend of all. The best known and most significant of all was the Hippie style catalyst. Giving the people of the sixties ultimate comfort and self-expression. This style consisted of oose- fitting clothes; most often tie dyed pieces and adding the perfect accent to top off an outfit with a flower. Flowers showing a sign for peace during the rough times of war going on back in Vietnam. Hip-hugger bell-bottom Jeans were incredibly popular for both men and women and following these Jeans were peasant shirts, skirts and halter-tops (Illustration 3). Another trend was women sewing patches of different cloth on to their clothes to either cover holes or simply for decoration. Lastly in the late sixties the anything goes look was the outcome after all the not so everlasting trends in the previous years. Of course more new trends did thrive such as closer to the body clothing with firmly belted waistlines on dresses, suits and blouses showing off the hips. The film, Bonnie and Clyde gave the inspiration for jumper dresses and suits. The film also gave off wide leg pants giving a more professional look; that carried on into the 1970s, compared to the very messy hippie look. The hippie look was actually inspired and really made in toa mess by the music of the 1960s. Music was being influenced by so many new trends that had never happened before, the new ways of politics, economics and carefree lifestyle.. Drugs elped ease the pain and became the most influential variables in the music of the s es The rock and roll and pop music all started out small and underground until it became mainstream. Soon to be known as the psychedelic era, this era introduced drugs to be an important aspect of music and a part of the typical day of a rock star. The listeners of the music also used drugs like acid and marijuana to enhance the overall experience of the sounds, movements and brightness of lights during the shows and music festivals. Bands such as The Byrds and The Grateful Dead used drugs like LSD, marijuana, and heroin (Illustration 4). They believed using drugs would make a difference of the previous music in the 1950s, and were very successful with blowing the 50s music away. The effect that the drugs had on the band was turning them into real musicians, ones that could capture the audiences attention in just a couple of strums ofa guitar. This new music started around the San Francisco area and spread across the nation. Young people greeted the new genre of music with open arms and drugs helped change the way to enjoy the new wave of music. It also became apparent that the British group The Beatles started to use LSD when ecording in the studio. The song Tomorrow Never Knows was a product of the famous group high on an acid trip. Toward the end of the sixties the iconic music festival called The Peace and Music Festival of Woodstock. The three-day festival was hugely successful and the first ever of its kind to occur (Illustration 5). More than two million people tried to get in, with borders and state lines closed due to the amount of people. The festival headlined different bands from across the world and was a place to demonstrate peace. Even though during most of the three-day event it oured rain it did not stop anyone from putting a damper on the mood. Putting a close to the sixties a few years later was the end of the Vietnam War however the end of war did not put an end to drug use. Many people had lost their lives in the psychedelic era either from a gunshot in the Far East of a prick of a heroin laced needle in the United States. These tragedies were captured in the music of the sixties and is remembered and reminded to the generations to come. Compare and Contrast: From the radical 1960s to the present time now there are so many things have changed and so many things have also stayed the same. Starting with the fashion of the 60s consisting of women wearing mens wear clothing as a huge trend that went on throughout the time and is still to this day. There is also the mid 60s, which was when the hippie look was widely popular, and the baggy look with long shirts and pajama looking pants with low hemlines. Today everything is a high hemline and form-fitting clothes from tight denim Jeans to crop top shirts for girls. Although the 60s did go through a phase of tight bell bottom pants made of polyester. Thankfully, those are not seen any more in present time. Another comparison is the Civil Rights Movement that happened in the sixties. Black Americans wanted the legal freedom from whites, voting rights, as well as inside schools, and over all racial dignity. Ever since this Conclusion: The 1960s was no doubt a revelation that changed America forever. With so many monumental experiences that will most likely never happen again. Fashion is of course torever changing but more so in the 1 Starting early on witn clean cut pastel suits to the late sixties tie dye shirts; skintight bell-bottom Jeans and long hair were the trend. All of the tragedies in the sixties it had a huge impact on music and hat the American people felt, what they were feeling was the way they dressed and showed self-expression through their clothes. Music was a huge part of peoples lives back then, that was the only thing that young adults had to look forward to and music is even more relatable today. Music speaks to people in ways that no one can describe, almost life changing to some. The artists and bands of the 60s talked about what was going on around them inside their song lyrics. Making it easily relatable to their fans and to the American people to make it seem like they were all in the mess together and never by themselves.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Sexuality In Bran Stokers Dracula

Sexuality in Bram Stoker’s Dracula An extremely strong sense of sexuality serves as the driving force behind Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula. This theme is not a directly stated theme in the novel, but it can easily be implied by the reader. Before I read the novel, I never thought of it being so â€Å"sexy†, but as reflect on my reading now, Dracula was definitely one of the â€Å"sexiest† novels ever written. Before reading Dracula I thought I had a pretty good picture of how a vampire really appeared physically: a man, older aged, pale skin, black hair, fangs, and dressed in all black. I honestly thought that the vampire’s act of â€Å"blood sucking† was just that, but looking back on my reading of the novel, I realize that it was a very sexual act indeed. The sexuality of the text nearly jumped off the page and hit me right in the face, so to speak. There are several examples of somewhat graphic sexuality present throughout the course of Dracula. The vampire’s sexual nature comes out initially during Jonathan Harker’s encounter with the three female vampires residing in Dracula’s castle. Harker confronted them as extremely appealing objects but who held an element of danger. Harker noted, â€Å"I felt in my heart a wicked, burning desire that they would kiss me with their red lips (Ch.3).† Stoker went on to describe the three women as sensual predators and their bite as a kiss. One of the women anticipated the object of their desire [Jonathan Harker], â€Å"He is young and strong; there are kisses for us all.† As they approached, Harker waited in delightful anticipation, much like a new husband waiting on his bride on their wedding night. This encounter between Jonathan Harker and the three women vampires was very sexual in nature. After this, the attention in the novel is transferred to Lucy Westenra and Mina Murray. Lucy is the object of the attention of three male characters in the novel: Quincy Morris, John Seward, a... Free Essays on Sexuality In Bran Stoker's Dracula Free Essays on Sexuality In Bran Stoker's Dracula Sexuality in Bram Stoker’s Dracula An extremely strong sense of sexuality serves as the driving force behind Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula. This theme is not a directly stated theme in the novel, but it can easily be implied by the reader. Before I read the novel, I never thought of it being so â€Å"sexy†, but as reflect on my reading now, Dracula was definitely one of the â€Å"sexiest† novels ever written. Before reading Dracula I thought I had a pretty good picture of how a vampire really appeared physically: a man, older aged, pale skin, black hair, fangs, and dressed in all black. I honestly thought that the vampire’s act of â€Å"blood sucking† was just that, but looking back on my reading of the novel, I realize that it was a very sexual act indeed. The sexuality of the text nearly jumped off the page and hit me right in the face, so to speak. There are several examples of somewhat graphic sexuality present throughout the course of Dracula. The vampire’s sexual nature comes out initially during Jonathan Harker’s encounter with the three female vampires residing in Dracula’s castle. Harker confronted them as extremely appealing objects but who held an element of danger. Harker noted, â€Å"I felt in my heart a wicked, burning desire that they would kiss me with their red lips (Ch.3).† Stoker went on to describe the three women as sensual predators and their bite as a kiss. One of the women anticipated the object of their desire [Jonathan Harker], â€Å"He is young and strong; there are kisses for us all.† As they approached, Harker waited in delightful anticipation, much like a new husband waiting on his bride on their wedding night. This encounter between Jonathan Harker and the three women vampires was very sexual in nature. After this, the attention in the novel is transferred to Lucy Westenra and Mina Murray. Lucy is the object of the attention of three male characters in the novel: Quincy Morris, John Seward, a...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Communications Plan for TOPSHOP Essay

Marketing Communications Plan for TOPSHOP - Essay Example The rationale behind promoting the brand as a commercially affordable one through different means is in accordance with the prediction in a report of Key Note Publications Ltd (2000) that the bulk and standard clothing high street stores of UK will come under utmost pressure to differentiate and align their products in terms of quality, price and style especially in the turbulent times when the youth market is shrinking and more disposable income lies with the older age groups. TOPSHOP will hire a local PR firm to help it implement the marketing plan. It will look over its publicity issues in a very cost-effective manner. The marketing message, slogan and tagline of TOPSHOP will be strategically exploited to keep it in the eye of all the consumers. The reputation and good will in the industry will be assured through the PR firm. The clothes from TOPSHOP will be displayed at the London Fashion Week which will increase their awareness and exposure. Shim and Dranke (1991) identified the key features of profitable stores and amongst these features were the use of exhibitions as a tool of promotion. Their research focused on elements of specific business practices and promotions for the women’s apparel market and the conclusions were drawn on the fact that fashion shows does in fact work to positively promote the merchandise of a company (Shim & Dranke 1991). The recent research by Adams and Browning also confirmed that trade shows and exhibitions are highly effective communication vehicle for the targeted market. The direct marketing through competent sales personnel would be executed. It is also under the plan to mail the newsletter directly to the current customer database.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

US History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

US History - Essay Example It even had parallels to other existing societal trends in other countries such as the United States. In fact, there were a handful of Nazi groups in the United States that enjoyed free rein before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. During his imprisonment in 1925, Adolf Hitler came up with his theories for a political movement that placed the Aryan (German) people at the top of a hierarchy of races. This movement, later called the Nazi movement, aimed for Aryan supremacy and a central Aryan government that would eliminate â€Å"impure breeds† such as Jews and other races. Hitler’s philosophies mirror the American policies of the 1920’s. During this period, America adopted an isolationist policy and had a general popular sentiment that looked down upon immigrants, Catholics, Jews and Blacks (Kennedy et al., 382). Hitler himself admired America during this period and commended them for their immigration policies and popular sentiment that did not favor people of different races. He specifically noted the â€Å"race-based anti-immigration laws and for the subordination of the "inferior" black population.† and attributes their success to their efforts at keeping themselves racially pure (â€Å"Nazi†) This view, however, did not last as he denounced the United States as â€Å"a mongrel nation †¦half Judaised, half Negrified† following America’s adoption of greater racial freedom and rights. He believed this would cause the United States’ early defeat during the war (â€Å"Nazi†) Before the bombing at Pearl Harbor, Nazi groups, while vilified by most, existed in the United States. However, the handful that did demonstrate publicly in the United States melted away in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. America, in the face of outright hostility from Germany, did not join the fray after Germany’s advances in Europe. This was due to its isolationist policy, and its reluctance to be dragged into the war. Although, they believed the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

J&L and Hedging Essay Example for Free

JL and Hedging Essay JL Railroad should take a long position. They need to purchase diesel fuel in the future, they don’t produce diesel fuel, so they would want to take a future to be able to lock in the price of diesel fuel for future purchases. 2. What problems could the use of heating oil futures for hedging create for JL? Note: I assume this question is asking about heating oil specifically not futures in general. As heating oil is not the same product as diesel fuel, therefore there could still be some exposure (risk) for JL. There has been a historical correlation between heating oil prices and diesel fuel prices, but this might not be true for the future. The futures for heating oil are contracts for delivery of 42,000 gallons – the amount of diesel fuel needed in any month is unlikely to equal 42,000 gallons or a multiple of that amount. As the heating oil futures mature on the last business day of the preceding month and therefore the purchase would have to occur on that day. 3. Explain why the daily settlement of futures contracts can create cash-flow problems for JL? If JL purchases a long future contract, they have to provide the initial margin for each contract. If the price of heating oil goes down (even for a short period) to bring the margin to below the maintenance margin, JL would be required to top up the margin to the initial margin amount. If they don’t have the ready funds to do this their futures contract would be cancelled. This could require JL to maintain a substantial amount of cash or the availability of a line of credit they can draw on, as needed. The costs to hold this much cash or the interest on a line of credit may exceed the value of the hedging of diesel fuel prices. As the contract hasn’t closed yet (and it could be a while until it does depending on the length of the contract) these daily settlements could affect the interim cash needs of the company. If the price goes up there isn’t an issue with cash needs (other than the initially required margin). 4. How do options on futures work? Why can trading options on futures can be preferable than trading options on the physical heating oil? An option on a future is the ability to purchase the future (or sell the future) at a given price. If the future doesn’t reach that price, you don’t have to buy it. An amount called a premium is charged for the options. If instead of trading options on a future, JL could trade options on heating oil. Exercising an option on a future only requires the cash margin to be deposited, exercising an option on heating oil would require the total value of the heating oil exercise price to paid.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Comparing Love in the Film, Secrets and Lies and Toni Morrisons Belove

Possessive Love in Secrets and Lies and Beloved  Ã‚        The word â€Å"freedom† is subject to various degrees of interpretation in the sense that it can be used in more than one context.   One definition of freedom is the idea of having your own sense of self without the control of others.   On the other hand, a lack of freedom is the idea of feeling trapped and smothered in a situation one has no control over.   Freedom can relate to school, relationships, or even within oneself.   A lack of freedom can have nothing to do with other people but with the ball and chain that can be placed on by oneself.   Of course the outside world will be involved, but the pain of feeling trapped comes from the frustration that fills one’s soul.   A lack of freedom can result from a twisted circle of other events and other people.   In the novel Beloved and the film Secrets and Lies, the enslavement that Roxanne and Denver feel result from their mothers’ possessive love.   Sethe and Cynthia both have horrific pasts , leaving them in captivity and causing them to have unhealthy relationships with their daughters.   Sethe and Cynthia love the only way the know how, possessively and dependently, causing Denver and Roxanne’s mental enslavement.   In the film Secrets and Lies, both Cynthia and her twenty-one year-old daughter Roxanne, live a life of captivity.   Cynthia’s is due to her unexplained past, while Roxanne’s is in result of her overbearing mother.   Cynthia’s lack of freedom does not result from another’s actions, but from her own past.   The trauma and lack of love she has experienced, has been blocked out and instead of dealing with it, she lives off of the attention of others.   When she meets her daughter Hortense, whom she had given up for adopt... ...or a life as it is now under Beloved’s control, she chooses a life for herself.   By having support for the first time, freeing both of her daughters, and restoring her sense of self, Sethe is on her way to a life of happiness and trust, rather than dependence on others.   Although their backgrounds are completely different, both Cynthia and Sethe battle the same demons.   Their pasts have consumed them and dependence on others, or complete isolation is the only way they know how to deal with it.   This causes the mental enslavement of Roxanne and Denver.  Ã‚   In order to overcome their emotional scars, they must learn to stand on their own two feet.   Only when they do this will they be able to release their daughters, and restore their own self worth and freedom for all.       Works Cited Morrison, Toni.   Beloved.   New York: Penguin Books, 1998.      

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Psmp Unit 1 – Reading Report – Federalism

Purpose: To inform the reader by outliningthe dialogue that took place at the ASSA/IPAA Federalism Rountable in May, 2007. Wanna summarises discussions on the: -historical trajectory and present characteristics of Australian federalism; -perceived shortcomings and challenges surrounding ourcurrent system of government; -relevance of federalism both from an increasingly globalised national perspective and within a nation of small population and relative cultural homogeny; and -various suggestions from those present to bring aboutreform. 77) Argument/Findings The Paper articulates the collective findings of those present at the Roundtable. Wanna makes comment on some main themes that emanated e. g. whilst considerable faith was placed in a clearer demarcation of governmental roles and responsibilities to address federalism’s perceived current ‘malaise’, Wanna notes there was nothing put forward to firmly support this assumption and consequentlyquestions the true wor th of articulating and clarifying roles and responsibilities.The Paper highlightsthe Roundtable’s observationthat numerous federal nationshave tended towards centralisation in recent times, coupled with declines in regional and localised identity; it predicted a gravitation of national issues to the Commonwealth level and a shift of regional and service delivery issues towards State governments over the next 20 years.There was consensus that greater trust, ‘strategic pragmatism’ and improved intergovernmental relations were needed to reform federalism and provide enhanced policy outcomes for the Australian community. (149) Evidence The Paper provides a firsthand summary of discussion, findings and suggestions from a Roundtable of politicians, senior state and federal public servants, and academics, supported by background information papers from credible sources. (32) Observations The Paper is a record of a collective discussion, notan argumentative essay. The do es not, nor does it purport to be, a balanced view of federalism in a broader or historical sense. -Roundtables by their very nature are high level and do not allow for drilling down to the finer details of an issue; this is worth bearing in mind when considering the article as some of the context may have been overlooked in relation to the finer points made by participants. The Paperhighlights that federalism has by necessity proven to be a much more flexible and dynamic governance structure than waslikely envisaged at its inception;it could be argued that federalism’s seeming robustness and changeability is entirely appropriate to what is now a highly changeable local, national and globalised community, despite looking markedly different to what it may have first looked like at federation. -It is submitted that the need for greater levels of trust between levels of government to make federalism work is potentially made more challenging by the dynamic of our two-party system of government. 185) Other relevant or related readings 1. Keddie, J. N and R. F. I. Smith. 2009, ‘Leading from Below: How Sub-National Governments Influence Policy Agendas. ’Australian Journal of Public Administration, No. 68 Vol. 1, pp. 67-82. Rather than outlining a perceived malaise and decrease in the relevance of the States in our federal system, Keddie& Smith argue that States have a responsibility to ensure they remain integral tobroader policy and decision-making agendas. (45) 2. Hollander, R. And H. Patapan. 2007, ‘Pragmatic Federalism: Australian Federalism from Hawke to Howard. ’ Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 6 No. 3 pp. 280-297 The Hollander & Patapan article provides broader historical analysis that seeks to explain fundamental aspects of our system of federalism and conclusions on why the trend of centralisation has occurred. (30) 3. Parkin, A. 2003, ‘The States, Federalism and Political Science: A Fifty-Year Apprais al. ’ Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 62 No. 2, June, pp. 101-112 The Parkin Paper provides broader analysis of the state of federalism than both the Wanna and Hollander & Patapan articles, providing a fifty year appraisal of Australian governance from the States’ perspective. (32)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Analysis of “If” by Rudyard Kipling Essay

The fist stanza of the poem â€Å"If† talks about being true to yourself. There are always people who misjudge you or don’t like or respect you for one reason or the other. It tells you to rise above those obstacles and prove them wrong and yourself right. You should not let others provoke you into doing things which you know are wrong. The second stanza of the poem talks about overcoming obstacles that may come your way and follow your dreams. It tells us to persevere, keep going and never give up even when times get rough.   It is hard to jump back in after negative or hurtful things have happened in your life but the third stanza tells us not to give up. If we believe in ourselves, we can surely redo the positive things that made us happy sometime ago over again. The writer obviously knew how hard sometimes life can become. He therefore initiated a sense of hope in this stanza. The last stanza tells us that we are all equal no matter what. We shouldn’t and mustn’t put ourselves above or below anyone because we are just as good as anyone else. There is one thing you can relate to in a person if you really look deep down inside and try. It also teaches us to never waste time and make every second of the day that we have count. In a nutshell, this poem is like a piece of advice to us all to be positive and pay attention to the type of world we live in.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Evolution--Its True essays

EvolutionIt's True essays The origins of mankind is an extremely controversial issue within todays society. Scientists have a host of different theories pertaining to mans inhabitance of earth. Many disagreements arise between scientists who have different beliefs pertaining to where and how mankind arose. One such argument is the conflict involving the theory of evolution versus the theory of creation. After research, it is apparent that the theory of evolution is correct. Evolution is the theory that life arose by natural processes at an early stage of the earths history and that complex organisms developed from simpler organisms by a process of slow change (Webster). Its the idea that new species arise from older species after thousands of years of gradual chemical, environmental, and genetic change (Wright). Evolution can also be described as the complex processes by which living organisms originated on earth and have been diversified and modified through sustained changes in form and function. Scientist s, looking for an explanation to the origin of man and other organisms created this evolutionism theory, which also presented answers to the many asked questions dealing with similarities between species. Unlike the theory of creation, which states that the complexity of life and different species can only be explained in terms of a supernatural creator or God who placed life on earth, the theory of evolution has a plethora of evidence proving it to be true. There are several different types of observations that support the theory of organic evolution as an explanation for the similarities and the differences among species. One such observation is in the geologic record. The geologic record is the rock scheme found within the earths outer crust. By means of radioactive dating, the ages of rocks in many places on earth have been determined. Its a timetable of the earths geologic history. This combined with the fo...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Effects of Viagra on Women and Female Sexuality

Effects of Viagra on Women and Female Sexuality When women go through menopause, the hormonal changes they experience often lead to a drop in libido and less interest in sex. Its nature taking its course - just another phase in the female life cycle. Its the way were built and programmed, biologically speaking. So what do we do about Viagra and the other ED (erectile dysfunction) drugs that are now commonplace and marketed directly to men in TV commercials and magazine ads? Its an important question to ponder because as every woman knows, it takes two to tango. Viagras impact on mens sex lives also impacts womens sex lives. Meika Loe has pondered this very question in her book, The Rise of Viagra: How the Little Blue Pill Changed Sex in America. And the answers shes uncovered are disturbing. Loe, who is Assistant Professor of Sociology Anthropology and Womens Studies at Colgate University, has also written extensively about sex and senior women. Viagra is marketed to aging men whose female counterparts are going through their own sexual crisis: menopause. These women want less sex but their partners now want more. Isnt this counter-intuitive? Doesnt this turn the bedroom into a battlefield at a time when women are already vulnerable (e.g., empty nest syndrome, feeling less attractive as we age, physical changes due to menopause including hair loss and weight gain, etc.) I recently visited my OB/GYN, and upon hearing about this research, she volunteered that many of her women patients have complained that Viagra has not helped their sex lives. The introduction of the pill has made sexuality, among other things, intercourse-focused and thus less satisfying. We hear this kind of thing over and over. My analysis of syndicated advice columns after Viagras debut in 1998 revealed many negative responses among women. Women writing to Dear Abby, for example, were either no longer interested in sex (and thus Viagra created new unwelcome pressure to be sexually active again), or fearing their husbands were having affairs in the context of their newfound sexual potency, and/or experiencing sometimes painful physiological effects of reigniting their sex lives later in life. It seems that Viagra raised quite a few questions for married women about marital obligation, for example. Then again, there were other letters that reflected excitement about husbands feeling healthy and confident after a period of impotence, so the response to Viagra in the population is quite complex. It would have been nice to see an explosion of people communicating about sexuality after Viagras release, but in our pill-for-everything culture, we tend to let the pill do the work and forget that it may not be an end-all be-all. Viagra tended to just exacerbate or throw light on already existing problems in relationships. It should be telling that at this point, almost 10 years after Viagras debut, only 50% of men who received prescriptions for Viagra end up refilling their prescriptions. Its not simply about a man being able to have pleasurable sex. Its also about power and dominance, virility despite aging. Its a way for men to deny that they are past their sexual peak. What are the long-term implications for a society that has Viagra in its drug arsenal? Viagra was the harbinger of things to come in the form of the pharmacology of aging and sexuality (sexual medicine is in expansion mode post-Viagra). All of this is due to a combination of, among other things, changing demographics (e.g. aging population), direct to consumer advertising/consumer-based medicine (Viagra being one of the first drugs to be advertised directly to the consumer) and pharmaceutical expansion. It is important to see that Viagras popularity fits in a particular cultural moment in our history, and there will be/have been plenty of other products to follow (including medications) that emphasize the holy triumvirate: youth, vitality, and performance. In short, as a sociologist, I see Viagra as a cultural product and thus a window onto our culture. It helps us see where we are when it comes to sexuality (and our ambivalence), gender (masculinity and sexual performance packaged together), medicine (quick-fix and lifestyle enhancement emphasis more than ever), and aging (we’re uncomfortable with it but do we all want to be 18 again?). Pfizer has helped to reinforce these traditional and not-so-traditional ideals with Viagra and it has been fascinating to see how successful they have been here and around the world with this youth, vitality, and performance-based message. Again, now that the initial curiosity factor has disappeared, it is unclear how successful sexual dysfunction medication really is. Viagra has spurred several like products – Cialis and Levitra. But the refill rate on all three is low. Viagra is certainly sociologically significant as it has highlighted many social problems in the way we do health and gender and sexuality in our society. Is Viagra Use Common Within the General Population? How does this affect behavior or alter men and womens sexual intimacy? It is difficult to find demographic information about who uses Viagra, but in internet chat rooms, doctors offices, pharmacies, etc. you find men of all ages interested in discussing the drug. We spoke with young men who had purchased Viagra out of insecurity- a just in case situation where they felt they had to live up to some social standard their first time and had purchased the pills (or borrowed them) to have some assurance of adequate performance. We also spoke with men in their 80s who felt like it gave them life again. Meika Loe, author of The Rise of Viagra: How the Little Blue Pill Changed Sex in America, acknowledges that Viagra and other ED (erectile dysfunction) drugs create additional pressure in the already complex sex lives of men and women. She also noted how it underscores the sexual ambivalence present in our society- our obsession and disgust with sex. Viagra use has a dark side. John Jamelske, the 67-year-old man who held a number of young women captive as sexual slaves in an underground bunker, took Viagra. Two toxicologists, Harold Milman and S.B. Arnold, have stated in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy that the drug has been suggested as a contributing factor in 22 cases involving aggression, 13 involving rape, and 6 involving murder. Clearly, Viagra is linked to violence against women. In the course of my research I found that Pfizer had consulted with quite a few experts about possible litigation down the line regarding Viagra. A pill for sexual potency can be a dangerous thing in a culture that is highly ambivalent about sexuality- both obsessed and disgusted with it at the same time. This sexual ambivalence is what we have inherited from the Puritans. It is one reason sexuality itself is so emotionally charged and controversial in this country (we see this in regards to sex education, advertising, reproductive politics, etc.). In the U.S. we seem to spend just as much time and effort on censoring sexuality as we do encouraging it, which makes for a very confused populace! We see this confusion in our bedrooms and in the society at large, and when Viagra is added to the mix it can highlight the issues we have with sexuality as a society. Speaking of sexual ambivalence... were a culture thats afraid to talk about sex with our children. So how is it that Viagra and ED drug commercials run during primetime and no one bats an eye? At least one Pfizer TV ad was pulled off the air (the one where the man gets devil horns after taking Viagra) but you’re right- it’s everywhere. Or it was for many years. Viagra racecars. Viagra ads during the Superbowl- and Janet Jackson got flack for showing a breast when during the commercial breaks, ads discussing penises and erections, and beer ads promoting sexuality like crazy were considered appropriate! Viagra was even posted over home base when Pfizer was the primary sponsor of pro baseball. Now we see Levitra and Cialis advertised just as often. It goes back to that Puritan ethic. We’re obsessed with sex and also offended by it- it’s a fine line. An African American woman’s breast crossed the line for some people. Sexuality in the context of medical dysfunction (complete with scientific imprimatuer and legitimacy) seems to pass. When we look at the way men and women use pharmaceutical interventions, men focus on performance (Viagra) and women focus on appearance (Botox). Or is this a gendered generalization? Sociologists would say that these are the values/characteristics we teach each sex to value most. Men are about what they DO, women are about how they LOOK. We reinforce this constantly in our society (just look at ads – men are generally depicted as active, women as body parts, or still lives, or close-ups). So it follows that our drug use maintains these gendered distinctions. What would you like to stress to women of every age about Viagra and womens sexuality? Living in the pharmaceutical era it sometimes seems easiest and most expedient to turn to medication to enhance our lives or fix our problems. However, we can’t forget to attend to ourselves, our relationships, and our lives. Many men found that while Viagra may have helped them physiologically (although for many it didn’t work or came with a host of scary side-effects), it was no solution to general sexual or life satisfaction. In some cases it actually exacerbated existing issues in peoples’ relationships or sense of self. Men and women are wonderfully complex and diverse creatures when it comes to sexuality AND in general. Simple solutions can end up oversimplifying- and doing us a disservice in the process.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Predict future business opportunities and threats in the national and Essay

Predict future business opportunities and threats in the national and global environment - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze threats and opportunities that businesses face in the future domestically and internationally. The economies of countries have become more interconnected than in the past. A potential opportunity for businesses in the global economy is to take advantage of the growing trade from emerging economies. Emerging economies can be defined as rapidly growing and volatile economies that promise huge potential for growth, but also pose significant political, monetary, and social risks (Businessdictionary). In a lot of these emerging economies there are a growing number of middle class citizens that are looking to purchase consumer products in order to increase their standard of living. Two examples emerging economies that pose a tremendous opportunity for companies looking to expand into foreign markets due to their large populations are China and India. The combined population of China and India account for over one-third of the global popu lation. A market that has been forgotten by the business community which poses an opportunity for companies looking to expand oversees is Africa. The Sub-Sahara African region is considered by many economists as the frontier market. Africa has six of the ten fastest economies in the world (Harare and Johannesburg). Another reason that Africa represents a huge opportunity for businesses in the future is due to the fact that within three decades Africa will surpasses China as the world’s largest workforce. In the future another factor that represents an opportunity for businesses is technological advancement. Companies must invest money in research and development in order to accelerate the process of innovation to bring new technologies to the market. Companies will be able to improve their manufacturing capabilities as technologies such as robotics become advance enough to replace the need for human labor. Automation provides several advantages to companies such as lower labo r costs and greater productivity. â€Å"Automation created hundreds of millions of jobs in entirely new fields† (Kelly). The premise that robotics and automation will increase unemployment is erroneous. The need of low skilled laborers will decrease in the future, but the demand for skilled laborers will rise. New technologies are going to create new markets and more opportunities for new businesses. The supply of labor in the future will change in regards to how companies recruit personnel. The old approach of focusing mainly in employees located near the geographical location of the business will change. Companies in the future are going to look more to recruit employees internationally because it will become harder to find educated employees in many fields from the local labor supply. The governments of the different nations across the world are going to have to change their immigration policies in order to adjust to the needs of global corporations. In the future companie s will be able to reduce their operating costs associated with energy due to the fact that renewable energy sources will become cheap enough to replace the dependency on petroleum as the main source of energy and gasoline. Despite all the positive scenarios of the future of business there are also threats that corporations must deal with. Robotics poses both an opportunity and a threat. If machines evolve enough to have artificial intelligence that is smarter than the human brain it is possible that the robotics

Friday, November 1, 2019

Critically analyse three different stylistic usages of English 1.The Essay

Critically analyse three different stylistic usages of English 1.The language of Poetry, 2.Journalese, 3.The language of Adverti - Essay Example Grammatical devices make ads closer to the audience, translating them from written into oral manner. In other words, written ads should be memorable for the audience as if they heard them every day. Grammatical simplicity (Example 4) and easy perception of ads is the right way to gain a wider audience (Bovee & Arens, 2006). Moreover, definite articles play an important semantic role in ads. They are widely used in ads and create ‘particularity of reference’ (Example 5). Of course, the usage of specific grammatical devices is not enough to reach success in advertising. Creative writing, such as usage of puns, polysemy, alliteration, metaphors etc is an integral part of a successful ad. For example, The flavour of a Quaver is never known to waver- rhyming American Home has an edifice complex- pun The more we progress, the better you advance- pun (Bovee & Arens, 2006). Aurally, the audience is attracted and thus memorizes ads. As a result, a vivid language of advertising ca n be also met in other social spheres of life. Political leaders use some methods of language of advertising in their promotional campaigns; journalists try to draw attention of the readers to their articles by the usage of creative writing and a high level of communication. Still, there are numerous techniques used by advertisers, but all of them are directed on showing perfectness and superiority of the advertised product. For example, the usage of ‘the weasel claim’ is directed on showing the audience superiority of the product. As it is known, â€Å"a weasel word is a modifier that practically negates the claim that follows. The expression "weasel word" is aptly named after the egg-eating habits of weasels†. This technique copies a weasel behavior inside an egg. It sucks out an egg from inside and casual observers can’t find anything inside. Therefore, â€Å"words or claims that appear substantial upon first look but disintegrate into hollow meaningle ssness on analysis are weasels† (Example 6). Another apt technique used to show the superiority of an advertised product is to use ‘we are different and unique’ claim. This technique is the most known to the audience (Example 7). The uniqueness of the product is communicated to the audience by the usage of word combinations, such as ‘there is nothing else like†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, ‘there is no other†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and words ‘unique’, ‘extraordinary’, ‘different’ etc (Schrank). Therefore, language of advertising can be named a language of ‘public-colloquial discourse’, as it is stated by Leech. If to summarize stylistic devices used in advertising, we can create ad phrase: employ creativity and reach perfectibility. The language of poetry The language of poetry is a interesting stylistic phenomenon. On the one hand, this literature genre is used to entertain and amuse readers, but on the other hand, poetry transfers through its form deep emotional senses. Poetic texts are created for pleasure and amusement, for thinking and joy. A great arsenal of stylistic devices is the right way for embodiment of poetic images. Therefore, such devices as inversion (‘Yet know I how the heather looks’, Emily Diskinson from Collected Poems), repetition (‘IT tossed and tossed’, Ibid.) parallelism (‘Are her voice, and her hair, and eyes, and the dear red curve of her lips’ from Appendix II) are widely used. A poem â€Å"

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

GOAL STATEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

GOAL STATEMENT - Essay Example In a country where there is just one doctor for every 10,000 people, there is an urgent need for trained professionals to help not only those who are sick, but also to advise and counsel the people on preventive measures to remain healthy. Uganda’s government today is facing the problems of giving adequate healthcare to a population whose growth is exploding. The need for health care professionals therefore is urgent. Having grown up in surroundings such as these, and watching members of my family, most of whom are in the medical field, give their best to the health problems of the community; the medical field was what I always thought of as my ultimate goal in life. A good nurse brings to his/her work the important qualities of kindness, compassion, patience and above all diligence and dedication. These are qualities that I have grown up with and fortunately imbibed to a great extent. Nursing professionals at every level are a boon to society. Patients come to the healer in a state of acute mental and physical distress. A sympathetic ear and kind reassurance helps allay fears and generate confidence in the patient. Effective communication is the key to helping patients help themselves. Nowhere is this more evident than in communities that are poor and illiterate. The essence of the nursing profession lies in these qualities that are ingrained into a nurse during education at every level. Besides delivering good and cost effective health care, the nursing professional must also be capable of focusing on prevention rather than on cure. Understanding advances in technology and using this knowledge to educate communities on ways to lead healthier lives is an important aspect of the entire nursing profession. I hope to learn and practice all of this while I graduate in nursing. My goal in seeking to graduate in this profession is to be able to deliver not just healing but also preventive care that is the essence of a good medical practitioner. I hope to lear n highly sophisticated communication and observational skills, to succeed in interviewing the patient to assess his/her previous health history, risk factors and identify symptoms of disease that even the patient may not be unaware of, before it gets out of hand. While I graduate, I would be gaining new knowledge through research which is something I could not hope to have easy access to in my own country. I am certain that all this will help me in my goal of relieving the sufferings of my fellow countrymen. Since my childhood, I have been motivated to do something for my fellow Ugandans. While I was growing up, there was a great deal of urbanization going on in Uganda. This spurt of growth in urban areas swayed me from my original goal and motivated me to choose to be an engineer in the urban planning department. In Uganda opportunities for learning are not easy to come by, and I worked hard at my studies in order to be able to qualify for admission to Makerere University in Uganda as a student of Urban Planning. At the time, I saw the problem of an exploding population as one that could be solved by planned townships where people could live decently, and could get work so as to earn a decent living. After graduating I worked for a number of years as an urban planning engineer. At first, I was very happy as I saw myself as the architect of new projects, better roads and modern townships with all the amenities that were available

Monday, October 28, 2019

Income and Wealth Equality Essay Example for Free

Income and Wealth Equality Essay Discuss whether the most effective way to have income and wealth equality is to tax income more progressively. Income is a stable flow of money, often a salary, which someone works for but this can also be made through interest on savings. This flow of money is often very unequal from person to person due to wage differentials, this then creates inequality. Wealth on the other hand is a stock of assets which have a market value, which may change over time e. g. houses or cars. These are often inherited but can be bought by someone through their income. Wealth and income often found together however someone who is wealthy doesn’t always have a large income. Their relationship with inequality is also very different with a lot more inequality found in wealth as a fifth of wealth is concentrated among the richest one per cent of households however there is still some in income. One way the government can stop this inequality is through a progressive taxation system that aims to tax the poorest people very little but make the money up by taxing the richer. This would work at several boundaries with someone income being taxed higher when it exceeds a certain limit. This then creates equality as the richer people have less money and the poorer have more from not paying tax and then the unemployed get benefits. This then reduces the budget deficit as the tax payers pay for people benefits, helping to reduce the class system. However one problem with this is that it may cause the highest earners to leave the country to avoid paying tax and companies moving their headquarters abroad where they will pay less tax. This happened in the 70s with the rolling stones but is also happening with corporations such Amazon and Costa and this something that may happen more if the richer are taxed too much. This is also taking money out of the economy as they spend their money abroad, out of the flow of income in the UK. Another problem with this system is that it creates ‘the poverty trap’. A type of government failure, this is when there is no incentive for people to get off benefits as they won’t make any more money. To stop this there may need to be a re-evaluation of the system as the replacement ratio is too high. This can also create poor attitudes, with generations of people not working. This is also found in the work place with some people refusing pay rises as they will have to pay more money in tax as they go through a tax boundary. However more recently this has happened with child benefits as these are being reduced depending on how much someone earns another reason why someone would refuse a pay rise. Wealth is often harder to tax however it is often caused by income so the tax system previously described may be used to reduce wealth and thus stopping inequality. This system can also be found in wealth though, with inheritance tax being used progressively. For example any money above 325,000 is taxed at 40%. This then creates a source of revenue for the government but also stops people inheriting huge sums of money, stopping inequality. However this system has its flaws as the tax has to be paid first, it could also be argued as unfair as someone who works for their money is entitled to leave it to who they want, especially as it was already taxed when it was earned. This system has also caused many pensioners to move abroad where what they leave is taxed less. The money inherited is also often used by entrepreneurs to fund businesses so the system may also reduce the possibility for future in income tax. This systems also sonly raises  £2.9bn a year, a mere 0.18% of GDP, which sometimes ends up being spent on court cases as people argue against the system. One alternative system for reducing inequality is by providing incentives for people to get into work. This could be done by changing the minimum wage as it would reduce the replacement ratio. This can also be achieved by reducing the unemployment benefits or making them harder to get. Reducing benefits would also lower the budget deficit as the government can save money. However this could be hard on people who genuinely can’t work due to long term illness or disability. Another way of increasing the work force is by increasing spending on training of workers but also in the education system. This will create better skilled and qualified workers, allowing them to make more money and giving them more job opportunities. This type of supply side policy can be expensive but there should be future benefits as their will be more money made from income tax. They would also create job opportunities for teachers or other people to teach skills. Other examples of this include apprenticeships and part time work schemes that together should create a job for everyone, reducing the tax bill. However they won’t work for everyone as there is always someone who will be left behind and It may also be hard to change the mind set of people who are used to not working. These types of policies would also all stop inequality as the poorer people would have employment opportunities giving them a higher source of income. However there are very little alternatives to redistribute wealth as it is impossible to give people items of value as those who are in poverty often don’t even have a house. The government may be able to provide schemes for people to work for their homes and other areas of wealth. It is also hard for them to find things of wealth at an affordable rate especially as it is normally found through work done by relatives. This is why it is unlikely to be done as it wouldn’t be very sustainable and effective however in theory the re distribution of wealth could be done. In conclusion the progressive tax system has its benefits as it provides a simple way of reducing inequality by taxing the rich and giving the poor money, bringing them closer financially. However in my opinion the system is the easy solution with short term benefits rather than long term gains that might happen through providing incentives rather than disincentives for people. However the problem with wealth is greater as it can’t be easily moved but through redistributing income wealth will consequently be redistributed as ultimately income is the main cause of wealth.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Death Penalty - Herrera vs Collins Essay -- Capital Punishment Essays

Death Penalty - Herrera vs Collins The Supreme Court addressed the constitutionality of executing someone who claimed actual innocence in Herrera v. Collins (506 U.S. 390 (1993)). Although the Court left open the possibility that the Constitution bars the execution of someone who conclusively demonstrates that he or she is actually innocent, the Court noted that such cases would be very rare. The Court held that, in the absence of other constitutional violations, new evidence of innocence is no reason for federal courts to order a new trial. The Court also held that an innocent inmate could seek to prevent his execution through the clemency process, which, historically, has been "the 'fail safe' in our justice system." Herrera was not granted clemency, and was executed in 1993.. Since Herrera, concern regarding the possibility of executing the innocent has grown. Currently, more than 80 death row inmates have been released because of innocence since 1973. In November, 1998 Northwestern University held the first-ever National Conference on Wrongful Convictions and the Death Penalty, in Chicago, Illinois. The Conference, which drew nationwide attention, brought together 30 of these wrongfully convicted inmates who were exonerated and released from death row. Many of these cases were discovered not as the result of the justice system, but instead as the result of new scientific techniques, investigations by journalism students, and the work of volunteer attorneys. These resources are not available to the typical death row inmate. Public Support Support for the death penalty has fluctuated throughout the century. According to Gallup surveys, in 1936 61% of Americans favored the death penalty for persons convicted of murder... ... retain the death penalty, including China, Iran, and the United States, all of which rank among the highest for international executions in 1998. (Amnesty International, 1999) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources Amnesty International, "List of Abolitionist and Retentionist Countries," Report ACT 50/01/99, April 1999 D. Baker: "A Descriptive Profile and Socio-Historical Analysis of Female Executions in the United States: 1632-1997"; 10(3) Women and Criminal Justice 57 (1999) R. Bohm, "Deathquest: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Capital Punishment in the United States," Anderson Publishing, 1999. "The Death Penalty in America: Current Controversies," H. Bedau, editor, Oxford University Press, 1997. K. O'Shea, "Women and the Death Penalty in the United States, 1900-1998," Praeger 1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Law Enforcement Today Essay

Law enforcement is something that is needed in our country. As time has passed, crime rates have gone up. New types of crimes are created by just about anything. Let’s take a look at an example of a new crime starting up. People who are driving and texting is now becoming a crime. This may seem like something minor, but it can lead to something horrible, like the cause to a fatal accident. The driver who was busy texting his buddy that he was on the way to the bar could of caused him to get to close to another car and crash into it, causing vehicle damages and even death. With technology advancing, crime has gone up with it as well. Now people commit crime online by stealing credit card numbers and even a person’s identity. Our law enforcement agencies now have to stay on top of things in today’s world, because if they don’t, the bad guys will win. Our law enforcement agencies are made up of local, state, and federal. They interact with the U. S. Department of Homeland Security to ensure success with enforcing the law and keeping communities safe. They might not have the best relationship but there can be ways to improve that. Many people do not really understand the importance of law enforcement until they desperately need them to help in their time of need. Some of the things that we do not understand are that the law enforcement officers face many challenges in today’s society. Our officers have to go through much training to be where they are at today. They have witnessed horrible crimes that could possibly leave them traumatized for life. Aside from that, they face issues of racial profiling, extreme dangers during work hours, and learning how to deal with stress and facing a multicultural society. These officers have to suppress their emotions from what they face every day. They might even have to keep their business private from family members or they could face some type of judgment. People already act different toward any police officer. In some people’s eyes, the police are the bad guys. It is understandable because there have been many corrupt police officers that make it hard for the good guys. Some people feel that if the officer is a certain race, the officer will be for their own race and against theirs. For instance, a black police officer may be judged on his skin color and the citizens might feel that officer is protecting the black criminals. We have many law enforcement agencies with good people who are doing their best to serve and protect the people. The local law enforcement consists of different agencies, like the city police department, county sheriff’s office, transit authority police, school district police, and university police. Those are just a few. The state enforcement agencies consist of the attorney general, highway patrols, and department of criminal justice and there are more. The federal law enforcement agencies consist of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, U. S. Immigration and Customers Enforcement, the FBI, and more. All of these agencies work together to keep our country balanced and in order. The Department of Homeland Security has the local, state, and federal agencies set to handle situations that involve natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other types of disasters created by people. All agencies have a person who supports or recommends causes or policies that have to be enforced. These agencies are also provided with a point of contact for DHS in case of any situation arising that might involve them. With the law enforcement agencies working together, crime can be controlled and even prevented. I think if the police departments could be trained more on what the DHS does, maybe the relationship between them could become better. A way to build a better relationship would be to empower state and local agencies to have more power over things so in case of some type of terrorism or natural disaster, they will know what to do. Communication is a big factor in building the relationship between the agencies and DHS. If the right information is passed along the departments, this could allow for everyone to stay up-to-date with current crime and could possibly be prevented in the future, or help to better handle the situation once it happens. The relationship between law enforcement agencies and the people of our country needs to be improved as well. Many people do not realize what these officers go through. If a relationship bond could be formed with the people and the agencies, then that could also help for crimes to be stopped and prevented. Ensuring the safety of our country is what we need to focus on. There are too many crimes going on where it is basically our people against each other and that needs to stop. References http://www. golawenforcement. com/LawEnforcementAgencies. htm http://www. spiritofthelaw. org/sol1art6. html http://www. golawenforcement. com/StateAgencies/TexasLawEnforcement. htm http://www. dhs. gov/xlibrary/assets/foia/plcy_directive_252-11_office_for_state_and_local_law_enforcement. pdf http://www. heritage. org/research/reports/2011/08/homeland-security-4-0-overcoming-centralization-complacency-and-politics Schmalleger, F. 2011 Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Te4xt for the 21st Century

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

3rd World Short Story Analysis

Author Summary Anoma is a university graduate who has hopes of becoming a teacher. However, her parents, especially her mother, had other ideas and wanted to give her in marriage. Mrs. Wickramasinghe’s cousin finds a suitable match for Anoma. He is Fredrick Dias, a barrister who has just come back from England. He is said to be good looking, educated, rich, and from a good family background. Fredrick, also known as Wimal, visits Anoma, along with his aunt. After some traditions of welcoming the intended groom, Anoma and Wimal strike up a conversation.Later she agrees that she likes Wimal and they are soon engaged to each other. Months pass happily between the engagement and wedding. The wedding is a gala affair and soon afterwards, Anoma leaves for her honeymoon with Wimal. They spend the first night in the quest house in Kaduwela and thereafter proceed to Grand Hotel, Nuwara Eliya. They go for walks and drives and Anoma enjoys herself except for two factors; two phone calls t o Wimal from an unknown stranger and the fact that Wimal makes no move to make love to her.Upon confrontation, he informs her that the caller is a good friend who is not a girl and excuses himself saying they have a lifetime ahead of them to make love. They come back to Colombo and live in an old Walawuwa where Anoma enjoys numerous comforts. Wimal is kind to her but still is distant from her. Anoma parents visit her and are delighted about their daughters’ new lifestyle. Anoma does not confine in her mother but speaks to a friend about her worries. When she does, she finds out that her husband is a homosexual. Analysis PlotThere is only one plot line for the story: An arranged marriage of a girl to a man who turn out to be a homosexual. The story is written in a chronological order with plot devices. There is a flashback at the end of the story when Anoma’s friend narrates to her what she overheard about Wimal. There is also some foreshadowing and they are; a stranger calling Wimal twice while he is on his honeymoon, Wimal’s words that they will have time later on to make love, and the fact that he is an educated, good looking, rich man who is single. Standard Pyramidal Plot Pattern Feature Article –Â  The Plane of the Sleeping Beauty AnalysisExposition- introduction of the characters, setting and main conflict * Anoma Wickramasinghe – University graduate with upper second class degree, has a career as a teacher, and is a Buddhist. * Mrs. Wickramasinghe- Traditional mother who believed it was best for her daughter to be married and stabilized. * Mr. Wickramasinghe- He is a typical Sri Lankan father who remains passive while the mother sorts the issue of marriage for their daughter. * Fredrick Dias- Also referred to as Wimal, Barrister from England, orphan, Christian, did not believe in love but wanted security. * Mrs.Dias- Traditional aunt, took good care of Wimal, make Wimal acquiesce her wishes. Main conflict- Anoma experiences an internal conflict. She is curious about many things like who the stranger who calls on her husband during their honeymoon is and why her husband does not want to make love to her. She finally discovers that her husband is a homosexual. Rising Action-Develops the conflict and creates suspense Develops the conflict- Anoma continues to feel ill used about the person who keeps calling her husband and Wimal’s reluctance to make love to her. Creates suspense-Anoma is suspicious about the calls Wimal receives.Climax- the turning point of the story where the main character comes face to face with an issue Occurs at the very end of the story and therefore is also the resolution/denouncement. Anoma confines in her friend and finds out that her husband is a homosexual. Mini- climax- When Anoma questions Wimal whether they are going to have sex and he replies saying they have a lifetime ahead of them. Setting Time- Place- Anoma and Wimal choose Nuwara Eliya as their honeymoon destination. This is a very common and cold location. This acts as a symbol as well defining Wimals character, Wiimal is distant from Anoma even during their honeymoon.Even with shivering temperatures, Wimal refuses to cuddle Ano ma and keep her warm. Social Environment- It is traditional because Mrs. Wickramasinghe wanted her daughter married to a person of the same caste regardless of his qualities. It is restrictive because Wimal is distant from Anoma even during their honeymoon. The story is set a reserved setting because everything is rigid and formal. Weather- There is not of much significance about the weather except Anoma’s and Wimal’s Honeymoon destination. The cold climate in Nuwara Eliya reflects the distance and the lack of intimateness between the newlyweds. Character-The Protagonist is the story is Anoma Wickramasinghe. She can be considered as reserved because she did not engage in an affair while she was at University. She is also shy upon meeting her intended husband but loses her shyness soon when they start talking to each other. She is simple and does not like much of a hassle. This is evident by the relief she feels when she leaves the wedding and sets off on the honeymoon with Wimal. She is also a patient person because she is willing to get married in an arranged fashion and waits for the love to grow. Anoma is also an obedient wife because she accompanies her hs