Wednesday, November 20, 2019

US History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

US History - Essay Example It even had parallels to other existing societal trends in other countries such as the United States. In fact, there were a handful of Nazi groups in the United States that enjoyed free rein before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. During his imprisonment in 1925, Adolf Hitler came up with his theories for a political movement that placed the Aryan (German) people at the top of a hierarchy of races. This movement, later called the Nazi movement, aimed for Aryan supremacy and a central Aryan government that would eliminate â€Å"impure breeds† such as Jews and other races. Hitler’s philosophies mirror the American policies of the 1920’s. During this period, America adopted an isolationist policy and had a general popular sentiment that looked down upon immigrants, Catholics, Jews and Blacks (Kennedy et al., 382). Hitler himself admired America during this period and commended them for their immigration policies and popular sentiment that did not favor people of different races. He specifically noted the â€Å"race-based anti-immigration laws and for the subordination of the "inferior" black population.† and attributes their success to their efforts at keeping themselves racially pure (â€Å"Nazi†) This view, however, did not last as he denounced the United States as â€Å"a mongrel nation †¦half Judaised, half Negrified† following America’s adoption of greater racial freedom and rights. He believed this would cause the United States’ early defeat during the war (â€Å"Nazi†) Before the bombing at Pearl Harbor, Nazi groups, while vilified by most, existed in the United States. However, the handful that did demonstrate publicly in the United States melted away in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. America, in the face of outright hostility from Germany, did not join the fray after Germany’s advances in Europe. This was due to its isolationist policy, and its reluctance to be dragged into the war. Although, they believed the

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