Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Video Games And The Video Game Industry - 1258 Words

Video games are a part of our entertainment industry and are more accessible than they have ever been. The video game industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the U.S. economy. According to Wallace (2014), the video game industry generated about $78.5 billion in revenue and only fell behind the film industry at $88.2 billion. As the industry continues to expand, so does the technology that gives the games more realism and immersion. Games depicting violence is becoming more graphic and detailed than ever before. When video technology was still in it’s infancy, it was easy to distinguish fantasy from reality. Graphics were often abstract, cartoon-like and the interactivity was limited. However, as the technology improved, so did the detail and realism of violence in video games. For example, recent games such as Mortal Kombat show highly extremely detailed scenes of gore, injury, and death that the gamer can inflict on a virtual opponent. It is predicted that by 2016 we’ll have a virtual reality headset that will allow players to be completely immersed inside the game. As violent video games become more realistic to the point where the distinction between virtual and reality is blurred, I wonder how will this affect the people that play them. In this paper, I will be discussing and reviewing many literatures in regards to the effect of video game violence on people. Players range from all ages, but for this paper, I will be discussing the different effects of videoShow MoreRelat edVideo Games And The Video Game Industry792 Words   |  4 Pages The video game industry has changed a lot since its inception, and a large part of that is due to the video game crash of 1983. Despite this, the market itself has remained roughly the same except for the actual devices in it. The quality of the video games has drastically improved over the years. Unfortunately, something that will never change are the greedy companies looking for a quick buck. While the video game industry has grown and improved since the crash, some similarities are starting toRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game Industry1290 Words   |  6 Pagesthe gaming demographic, but the industry hasn’t done much to make them feel welcome. During the last decade, the mainstream video game industry has seemed to operate under the same apparent assumptions: girls don’t play big action games, boys like the sexualization of girls in video games and won’t play as a female character unles s she is heavily sexualized, and that girls play video games for the attention of boys. These assumptions are what allows the gaming industry to continue to focus on theirRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game Industry1344 Words   |  6 Pages In the year 2016, the video game industry hit an important milestone. As seen in this 2015-2019 analysis, the industry hit a market value of over $100,000,000,000: (â€Å"THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKET REACHES $99.6 BILLION IN 2016, MOBILE GENERATING 37%†). Just like today, 1983 was looking great for the future of video games. However, unlike today, 1983 did not go great for the video game industry, it went awfully. In 1983, the video game industry crashed and has not fully recovered to the value of the marketRead MoreVideo Games : The Video Game Industry1574 Words   |  7 PagesThe video game industry is one that continues to grow exponentially with consumers spending over $22 billion dollars on the gaming industry in 2014 (association, 2015). This popularity brings the opportunity to produce a stream of games that continue to expand in their nature and impact on their audience. Video games are now artistic, social and collaborative, with many allowing massive numbers of people to participate simultaneously (htt). 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