Wednesday, October 30, 2019

GOAL STATEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

GOAL STATEMENT - Essay Example In a country where there is just one doctor for every 10,000 people, there is an urgent need for trained professionals to help not only those who are sick, but also to advise and counsel the people on preventive measures to remain healthy. Uganda’s government today is facing the problems of giving adequate healthcare to a population whose growth is exploding. The need for health care professionals therefore is urgent. Having grown up in surroundings such as these, and watching members of my family, most of whom are in the medical field, give their best to the health problems of the community; the medical field was what I always thought of as my ultimate goal in life. A good nurse brings to his/her work the important qualities of kindness, compassion, patience and above all diligence and dedication. These are qualities that I have grown up with and fortunately imbibed to a great extent. Nursing professionals at every level are a boon to society. Patients come to the healer in a state of acute mental and physical distress. A sympathetic ear and kind reassurance helps allay fears and generate confidence in the patient. Effective communication is the key to helping patients help themselves. Nowhere is this more evident than in communities that are poor and illiterate. The essence of the nursing profession lies in these qualities that are ingrained into a nurse during education at every level. Besides delivering good and cost effective health care, the nursing professional must also be capable of focusing on prevention rather than on cure. Understanding advances in technology and using this knowledge to educate communities on ways to lead healthier lives is an important aspect of the entire nursing profession. I hope to learn and practice all of this while I graduate in nursing. My goal in seeking to graduate in this profession is to be able to deliver not just healing but also preventive care that is the essence of a good medical practitioner. I hope to lear n highly sophisticated communication and observational skills, to succeed in interviewing the patient to assess his/her previous health history, risk factors and identify symptoms of disease that even the patient may not be unaware of, before it gets out of hand. While I graduate, I would be gaining new knowledge through research which is something I could not hope to have easy access to in my own country. I am certain that all this will help me in my goal of relieving the sufferings of my fellow countrymen. Since my childhood, I have been motivated to do something for my fellow Ugandans. While I was growing up, there was a great deal of urbanization going on in Uganda. This spurt of growth in urban areas swayed me from my original goal and motivated me to choose to be an engineer in the urban planning department. In Uganda opportunities for learning are not easy to come by, and I worked hard at my studies in order to be able to qualify for admission to Makerere University in Uganda as a student of Urban Planning. At the time, I saw the problem of an exploding population as one that could be solved by planned townships where people could live decently, and could get work so as to earn a decent living. After graduating I worked for a number of years as an urban planning engineer. At first, I was very happy as I saw myself as the architect of new projects, better roads and modern townships with all the amenities that were available

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