Friday, November 1, 2019

Critically analyse three different stylistic usages of English 1.The Essay

Critically analyse three different stylistic usages of English 1.The language of Poetry, 2.Journalese, 3.The language of Adverti - Essay Example Grammatical devices make ads closer to the audience, translating them from written into oral manner. In other words, written ads should be memorable for the audience as if they heard them every day. Grammatical simplicity (Example 4) and easy perception of ads is the right way to gain a wider audience (Bovee & Arens, 2006). Moreover, definite articles play an important semantic role in ads. They are widely used in ads and create ‘particularity of reference’ (Example 5). Of course, the usage of specific grammatical devices is not enough to reach success in advertising. Creative writing, such as usage of puns, polysemy, alliteration, metaphors etc is an integral part of a successful ad. For example, The flavour of a Quaver is never known to waver- rhyming American Home has an edifice complex- pun The more we progress, the better you advance- pun (Bovee & Arens, 2006). Aurally, the audience is attracted and thus memorizes ads. As a result, a vivid language of advertising ca n be also met in other social spheres of life. Political leaders use some methods of language of advertising in their promotional campaigns; journalists try to draw attention of the readers to their articles by the usage of creative writing and a high level of communication. Still, there are numerous techniques used by advertisers, but all of them are directed on showing perfectness and superiority of the advertised product. For example, the usage of ‘the weasel claim’ is directed on showing the audience superiority of the product. As it is known, â€Å"a weasel word is a modifier that practically negates the claim that follows. The expression "weasel word" is aptly named after the egg-eating habits of weasels†. This technique copies a weasel behavior inside an egg. It sucks out an egg from inside and casual observers can’t find anything inside. Therefore, â€Å"words or claims that appear substantial upon first look but disintegrate into hollow meaningle ssness on analysis are weasels† (Example 6). Another apt technique used to show the superiority of an advertised product is to use ‘we are different and unique’ claim. This technique is the most known to the audience (Example 7). The uniqueness of the product is communicated to the audience by the usage of word combinations, such as ‘there is nothing else like†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, ‘there is no other†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and words ‘unique’, ‘extraordinary’, ‘different’ etc (Schrank). Therefore, language of advertising can be named a language of ‘public-colloquial discourse’, as it is stated by Leech. If to summarize stylistic devices used in advertising, we can create ad phrase: employ creativity and reach perfectibility. The language of poetry The language of poetry is a interesting stylistic phenomenon. On the one hand, this literature genre is used to entertain and amuse readers, but on the other hand, poetry transfers through its form deep emotional senses. Poetic texts are created for pleasure and amusement, for thinking and joy. A great arsenal of stylistic devices is the right way for embodiment of poetic images. Therefore, such devices as inversion (‘Yet know I how the heather looks’, Emily Diskinson from Collected Poems), repetition (‘IT tossed and tossed’, Ibid.) parallelism (‘Are her voice, and her hair, and eyes, and the dear red curve of her lips’ from Appendix II) are widely used. A poem â€Å"

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