Thursday, May 14, 2020

Influence Of Science And Religion - 1564 Words

1. Q) Compare and contrast the influence of science and religion in the development of humanity. Discuss both the positive and the negative. A) The systematic testing of observations, and the belief of something larger than ourselves, have been part of the human experience since time began. Both science and religion have influenced human thought and civilization. When a question could not be answered by time and observation, people fell back on spiritual explanations. The need to resolve important everyday questions, such as; what controlled their environment, or, what system of morality is needed to best promote the stability of the tribe, meant that for early peoples, some response was required, so some people within started to come up with answers simply based on guesses, thus developing the first religious belief system. Having religion, for the majority of people, offered a sense of order and purpose. The order and purpose was often accompanied by fear and respect for their religious leaders helping to create a class system where leaders had a tremendous amount of power and were able to exert a lot of influence on the way society developed. As formal scientific pursuits became more common, and many commonly held religious beliefs were questioned, the religious world was in turmoil. The divine right of kings and church leaders, and the new focus on science, led to discoveries that seemed to contradict the bible, which, to that point, wasShow MoreRelatedInfluence of Science and Religion on The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde689 Words   |  3 PagesThe novella, ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ was written by Robert Louis Stevenson in 1886. The author was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1850. His family included engineers, scientists, a professor of philosophy, and a religious minister. 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