Friday, February 21, 2020

Human Resource Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resource Management - Term Paper Example Many employees are unable to balance their personal life with their work and this mix up is often the leading cause of stress amongst the employees. This also contributes to reduced performance as an employee fails to concentrate in the workplace as a result of the interference with the personal life. If the company is able to provide an environment where employees are able to balance these two different but yet demanding aspects of themselves and blend them to work in unison almost perfectly, then the employees will concentrate more in their work and increase their performance. They will also be in a better position and state of mind to deal with their personal lives and any crisis they may be undergoing without it interfering with their work. Resilience training is where the employees are presented with many different challenges in their workplace in a form of training and are taught how to handle all these challenges without them breaking their work spirit or enthusiasm and without having to show it to their customers as it might affect the feedback. The training is meant to make them much more focused in their work despite what is happening in the surrounding. It will enable them improve their decision making ability in order to enable them make the best decisions at all times. The resilience training is also meant to improve their clarity of problems, crises and challenges in the workplace as well as be more creative and especially when pressed with other matters. Work is done in the same way all the time creates monotony and minimizes or completely kills motivation of the employees in the workplace affecting negatively their performance and productivity of the organization. When the employer creates different opportunities which will make the workplace much more interesting hence reducing the monotony, the employees start valuing and enjoying their work. When employees feel valued and enjoy

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