Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Contribution of Benjamin Franklin to The American...

Benjamin Franklin was one of the most influential men of the eighteenth century. He was the only man to sign all of these four major documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Constitution of the United States, and the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain. Franklin was an inventor, a philosopher, a writer, a musician, and he actively participated in many congressional articles used by the government of the United States of America. His tombstone, however, simply referred to him as printer, reflecting his great humility. One of the things he was most influential in was the separation of the American colonies from British rule. In fact, Benjamin Franklin was vital to the success of the American†¦show more content†¦Walter Isaacson states that William was concerned for his father, but both he and Galloway remained loyalists. Franklin sought after a way to keep America and England under one empire, but he knew that this would only occur if Britain would cease its oppression of the American people. When it became obvious that the King would not stop his endless taxes and limits on trade, a fight for independence became the only clear way to put an end to it. Unfortunately, not every American saw the issue as clearly as Franklin. Most were afraid of the consequences to a rebellion against British rule. John Dickinson, put forward the last appeal to England on July 5. It later became known as the Olive Branch Petition, in which Congress called for the King to come to Americas rescue. On the same day the petition was sent out, Franklin finally decided to let the public know where he stood on this great political issue. Rather than giving a moving speech or making obviously rebellious actions, Benjamin chose to write a letter to a dear friend in England, William Strahan. You are a Member of Parliament, and one of that Majority which has doomed my country to destruction. You have begun to burn our towns, and murder our peo ple. Look upon your hands! They are stained with the blood of your relations! You and I were long friends: You are now my enemy, and I am, Yours, According to Isaacson, the most peculiar thing aboutShow MoreRelatedBenjamin Franklin and His Contribution to the American Revolution2205 Words   |  9 PagesBenjamin Franklin was one of the most influential men of the eighteenth century. He was the only man to sign all of these four major documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Constitution of the United States, and the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain. Franklin was an inventor, a philosopher, a writer, a musician, and he actively participated in many congressional articles used by the government of the United States of America. His tombstone, however, simplyRead MoreThe Success Of The American Revolution1304 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican Revolution not only created freedom but also created technological geniuses. The American Revolution was a time period of warfare, for independence between Britain and the thirteen colonies, but it was also the breakthrough for technological advancem ents that would change American’s life forever. After every war, the development of a country increases. As for the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin influenced and created a huge contribution in his politics, scientifical research, andRead MoreBenjamin FranklinS Contributions To The American History1537 Words   |  7 Pages Benjamin Franklin s contributions to the American history Benjamin Franklin has a significant impact to the American Revolution and the building of a new nation. His brilliant inventions throughout his life made a significant impact on the United States and will be remembered for them in U.S history. 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These might be typical sayings you would hear had it not of been for one of our founding fathers Benjamin Franklin. I choose Benjamin Franklin to write my essay about Benjamin Franklin because without him and all of his contributions to society then we wouldn’t have the modern convinces that the people of my generation take for grantedRead More An Analysis on Benjamin Franklin Essay example1617 Words   |  7 PagesAn Analysis on Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston. His father, Josiah Franklin, who was a tallow chandler, had seventeen children; Benjamin was the fifteenth child and the tenth son. His mother, Abiah Folger, was his father’s second wife. After he went to grammar school from age eight to ten, Benjamin started working at his father’s business. He didn’t like the work very much, however, and so he began to work for a cutler. WhenRead MoreEssay on ben franklin635 Words   |  3 Pages Ben Franklin Ben Franklin became famous for being a scientist, an inventor, a statesman, a printer, a philosopher, and a librarian. Today, we honor Ben Franklin as one of the men who founded America and as one of Americas greatest citizens. Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. He was the tenth son of soap maker, Josiah Franklin. Though Ben only had one year of schooling he was educated and loved to read and write. He worked as an apprentice to his brother, James, who wasRead MorePocahontas And Benjamin Franklin : Tragic And Historical Events Developed During The Time Of American Colonization871 Words   |  4 PagesAmerica more completely than Pocahontas and Benjamin Franklin. Tragic and historical events developed during the lives of Pocahontas and Benjamin Franklin; although their individual situations required very different reactions, both persevered, therefore granting those who came after them the ability to reflect on America’s beginnings with admiration and pride. During the time of American colonization, tensions between the English and the Native Americans rose exponentially. The New World was newlyRead MoreBenjamin Franklin Was Born In A Boston, House January 17,1057 Words   |  5 PagesBenjamin Franklin was born in a Boston, house January 17, 1706, the tenth son of Abiah Folger, daughter of an indentured servant. His father Josiah Franklin was a candlemaker. He went to Boston’s Latin school when he was 8 where everyone thought he was Harvard bound. When he was 12, he was unsure of his religious beliefs and did not divorce himself to school therefore dropping out. Later recognized as one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin played a major role in the construction of America

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Video Games And The Video Game Industry - 1258 Words

Video games are a part of our entertainment industry and are more accessible than they have ever been. The video game industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the U.S. economy. According to Wallace (2014), the video game industry generated about $78.5 billion in revenue and only fell behind the film industry at $88.2 billion. As the industry continues to expand, so does the technology that gives the games more realism and immersion. Games depicting violence is becoming more graphic and detailed than ever before. When video technology was still in it’s infancy, it was easy to distinguish fantasy from reality. Graphics were often abstract, cartoon-like and the interactivity was limited. However, as the technology improved, so did the detail and realism of violence in video games. For example, recent games such as Mortal Kombat show highly extremely detailed scenes of gore, injury, and death that the gamer can inflict on a virtual opponent. It is predicted that by 2016 we’ll have a virtual reality headset that will allow players to be completely immersed inside the game. As violent video games become more realistic to the point where the distinction between virtual and reality is blurred, I wonder how will this affect the people that play them. In this paper, I will be discussing and reviewing many literatures in regards to the effect of video game violence on people. Players range from all ages, but for this paper, I will be discussing the different effects of videoShow MoreRelat edVideo Games And The Video Game Industry792 Words   |  4 Pages The video game industry has changed a lot since its inception, and a large part of that is due to the video game crash of 1983. Despite this, the market itself has remained roughly the same except for the actual devices in it. The quality of the video games has drastically improved over the years. Unfortunately, something that will never change are the greedy companies looking for a quick buck. While the video game industry has grown and improved since the crash, some similarities are starting toRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game Industry1290 Words   |  6 Pagesthe gaming demographic, but the industry hasn’t done much to make them feel welcome. During the last decade, the mainstream video game industry has seemed to operate under the same apparent assumptions: girls don’t play big action games, boys like the sexualization of girls in video games and won’t play as a female character unles s she is heavily sexualized, and that girls play video games for the attention of boys. These assumptions are what allows the gaming industry to continue to focus on theirRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game Industry1344 Words   |  6 Pages In the year 2016, the video game industry hit an important milestone. As seen in this 2015-2019 analysis, the industry hit a market value of over $100,000,000,000: (â€Å"THE GLOBAL GAMES MARKET REACHES $99.6 BILLION IN 2016, MOBILE GENERATING 37%†). Just like today, 1983 was looking great for the future of video games. However, unlike today, 1983 did not go great for the video game industry, it went awfully. In 1983, the video game industry crashed and has not fully recovered to the value of the marketRead MoreVideo Games : The Video Game Industry1574 Words   |  7 PagesThe video game industry is one that continues to grow exponentially with consumers spending over $22 billion dollars on the gaming industry in 2014 (association, 2015). This popularity brings the opportunity to produce a stream of games that continue to expand in their nature and impact on their audience. Video games are now artistic, social and collaborative, with many allowing massive numbers of people to participate simultaneously (htt). The collaboration of the video gaming industry doesn’t stopRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On The Video Game Industry791 Words   |  4 PagesAn Atmosphere Unknown This is the future of the video game industry. Imagine looking through the eyes of your favorite video game character but in reality, you are actual sitting on the couch. Look to the left and you see R2-D2 trying to communicate to you. To the right, you have rebel fighters shooting at storm troopers that are attacking your home planet. Virtual reality lets you do all of this from the comfort of your home. However, Augmented reality lets you do this as well, but it is less virtualRead MoreCompetitive Positioning in the Video Game Industry639 Words   |  3 Pagesonline, PC, console, handheld and mobile game publisher with leading positions across every major category of the rapidly growing interactive entertainment software industry.†1 The video game industry of today looks vastly different than it did 10 years ago, with the stark contrast being that many firms are designing their games to be more family-friendly; the stereotypes of video games no longer being just in the realm of teenage boys. All in all, the industry is faring well with reported sales ofRead MoreVideo Game Industry : Nintendo And Sony2289 Words   |  10 PagesINTRODUCTION Nowadays, the video game industry is one of the faster growing sectors in the world and it is unbelievably expected to increase its revenues for the years ahead. Big giant’s companies as Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are constantly competing and technology and innovation are vital to keep pace with this demanding and challenging field. This essay will discuss two companies within the video games industry, Nintendo and Sony, trying to define their international strategies and their proceduresRead MoreHome Video Game Industry Analysis Essay862 Words   |  4 PagesSubject: The Home Video Game Industry: Industry Analysis History In 1949 the video game was thought of for the first time by an engineer named Ralph Baer but it would be years before video games would enter the spotlight.1 In 1972 Steve Bushnell started the first gaming company Atari. Until 1978 there were very few games for the home system. In 1982 Atari releases a newer version and sales start to sore. In 1985 Nintendo enters the market with the NES. Nintendo still outsells both companiesRead More1970s: The Birth of Video Game Industry Essay1718 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction 1970s was considered as the birth of video game industry, the phenomenon of gaming was growing and home gaming console Home-Pong which was a one-game-only console was invented by Atari, since then, the gaming industry has become very profitable, and more and more genre of video games were created. Although video games have become more and more popular as time changes, it still has to face the criticism, ‘media panic’. Meida panic happens when a new media appears; people will have aRead MoreFive Forces Analysis of the Video Game Industry943 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of the Video Game Industry The video game industry is the economic sector involved with the development, marketing and sale of video and computer games. It includes video game consoles, game software, handheld devices, mobile games and online games. The video gaming industry has been growing exponentially in recent years with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo competing for the higher profits in the market. This essay will analyze each of the five forces acting on the industry: threat of new

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Symbols in a Dolls House free essay sample

This may be symbolic of the flawed state of her marriage and of her feelings about it. Mrs Linde, who is less impetuous and more mature than Nora, suggests repairing it, and it is Mrs Linde who decides that Nora and Torvald must be made to face the truth about Noras secret. She believes it would be beneficial to the marriage, though in Noras view the marriage, like the dress, is beyond repair. The Tarantella The Tarantella was a wild southern Italian dance, generally danced by a couple or line of couples. The dance was named after the tarantula spider, whose poisonous bite was mistakenly believed to cause tarantism, an uncontrollable urge for wild dancing. The cure prescribed by doctors was for the sufferer to dance to exhaustion. Modern psychologists speculate that the true cause of the disorder, which achieved its highest profile in the nineteenth century and which involved symptoms of what would now be called hysteria, was not the spiders bite but the repressed morals of that age. We will write a custom essay sample on Symbols in a Dolls House or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The only outlet for passionate self-expression, they reason, was the Tarantella. In this light, it is significant that Torvald tells Nora to practice the Tarantella while he shuts himself away in his office: I shall hear nothing; you can make as much noise as you please. While Torvald is ostensibly being indulgent towards his wife, the image of her practicing this passionate dance alone and unheard emphasizes her isolation within her marriage. She persuades him to watch her practice the dance in order to prevent him opening Krogstads letter. He tries to rein in her wildness with his instructions, but she ignores his comments and dances ever more wildly, her hair coming loose. The mythology of tarantism suggests that she is dancing in order to rid herself of a deadly poison. Depending on how we wish to interpret this symbolism, the poison may be the threat posed by Krogstads revelations, or the poison of deception and hypocrisy that characterizes the Helmer marriage. Light Light is most often used to symbolize Noras state of awareness. After Torvald claims to be man enough to take everything upon himself (Act 2) and while she is talking to Dr Rank, the light begins to grow dark. This symbolism refers to two processes. First, Nora is using her sexual attractiveness to manipulate the dying Dr Rank into giving her money to pay off her loan. When Dr Rank confesses his love for her, she is shocked out of her game. She brings in a lamp, telling Dr Rank that he must feel ashamed of himself now that the lamp has come. Light also appears to symbolize hope and spiritual redemption when Dr Rank is talking in code to Nora about his coming death (Act 3). He talks of death as a big black hat that will make him invisible, an image of obliteration of life. But Nora brings him a light for his cigar as she wishes him goodbye. Dr Rank loves her, and in spite of her sometimes dubious behavior towards him, she has given him understanding, compassion and acceptance. She also means at this point, it seems, to join him in death by committing suicide. Their bond is represented on stage by the image of them standing together in the pool of light from her match a frame that excludes Torvald. Christmas tree In Norway, Christmas is an important family celebration, but the focus of the festivities and the opening of presents occurs on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day is something of an anti-climax. This is paralleled by events in the play. At the beginning of the play on Christmas Eve, Nora still believes her marriage to be happy. We see her ordering the Christmas tree to be brought in and insisting that it is hidden until she has decorated it. Symbolically, this alerts us to the fact that there are hidden aspects to life in this household, that a carefully created appearance is what matters, and that Nora is the keeper of appearances. Significantly, when she is trying to wheedle Torvald into keeping Krogstad in his job, she draws his attention to how pretty the flowers on the tree look. By Christmas Day, the tree is stripped of its ornaments and its candles have burnt out (a link with the symbol of light). By this point, Torvald has refused to keep Krogstad in his job and Nora feels sure that Krogstad will reveal all to him. The carefully maintained appearance of the happy marriage is disintegrating under the encroachment of truth. New Years Day New Years Day is traditionally viewed as a new beginning, and the Helmers at the beginning of the play are looking forward to just such a new beginning. Torvald is due to start a new and better paid job at the bank, and Nora anticipates being free from her debt. By the end of the play, Nora has indeed made a new beginning, though it is of a quite different nature, consisting in leaving Torvald and her children. Other characters too enter new phases in their life. Mrs Linde and Krogstad begin their life together after long periods of suffering, and Dr Rank dies, which can be seen as an end or a transition, depending on ones viewpoint.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Victory of Mittal Over Arcelor in Global Steel

Introduction According to Caldeira and Ward (2001), Resource-based theory helps to â€Å"understand how organizations achieve sustainable competitive advantages†, and its main focus is mainly on the effectiveness of the organization in its pursuit of competitive edge in the market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Victory of Mittal Over Arcelor in Global Steel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A firm can be said to be a collection of physical, human and organizational resources; however, the firm will enjoy significant success relative to its rivals if it can manage to amass adequate intangible resources that gives it a unique identity that will be difficult to imitate. As Conner (1991, cited in Gossy, 2008) argued, â€Å"the performance differentials between organizations depend on having a set of unique inputs and capabilities.† According to resource-based theory, competitive advantage does happen o nly when â€Å"there is a case of resource heterogeneity and resource immobility† (Barney and Clark, 2010). The Meaning and Principles of Resource Based Theory Silviano (2006) states that, according to resource-based view, a firm’s ability to nurture outstanding and unique capabilities boost its ability to adapt to the dynamic economic environment as well as to improve its survival prospects. Barney (1991, cited in Gossy, 2008, p. 27) argues that in order to provide competitive advantage, a resource must fulfill the following four criteria: Valuable: the resource must have strategic value to the firm (for instance, by exploiting opportunities or neutralizing threats). Scarce: the resource must be unique and costly for rival firms to acquire. Imperfect imitability: It should be impossible to perfectly imitate mainly because it is not easy to acquire; since the link between the capability and the achieved sustained competitive advantage is ambiguous; or because it is so cially complex). Non-substitutability: competitors cannot substitute the resource by another alternative resource to achieve the same results. As Grover et al (1998, cited in Gossy, 2008, p.84) explain, â€Å"the essence of a resource-based theory is that, given resource heterogeneity and resource immobility and satisfaction of the requirement of value, rareness, imperfect immitability, and non substitutability, firms’ resources can be a source of sustained competitive advantage.† Understanding the development of such capabilities and competences involves viewing the assets and resources of the firm from a knowledge-based perspective (Grant, 2009, p. 3). The theory prioritizes the need for leaders to value competence as an intangible business asset that can go a long way in enhancing productivity of the firm; indeed attributes such as experiences, organizational culture and competences play a significant role in ensuring that the firm’s performance is sustainab le (Gossy, 2008).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Moreover, Conner (1991, cited in Gossy, 2008, p.140) suggests, â€Å"An in-house team is likely to produce technical knowledge, skill, or routine that fits better with the firm’s current activities.† The battle between Mittal and Arcelor before merging and the victory of Mittal According to Oglesby and Adams (2009), Mittal replaced Arcelor as the leading global steel company when it purchased ISG and later bought Ukrainian Kryvorizhstal thus raising its annual production capacity to more than 65 tons. Conclusively, this also means that no other steel company in the world has had the mechanism to perfectly copy the firm’s industrial processes and marketing strategies. Therefore, Mittal can be termed as a firm whose resources are imperfectly imitable on those grounds. Mittal initiated the move to swallow it s biggest rival, Arcelor, just as it had previously acquired underperforming assets from Mexico, Kazakhstan and Algeria. Such moves made Mittal to earn applauses from governments as a necessary outsider who revived a decaying firm. The ability of Mittal to do this vividly depicts it as a company loaded with valuable resources, hence able to both exploit available resources and neutralize threats. The ability of Mittal to effectively resist and successively withstand opposition from the Luxembourg government clearly categorizes it a company with highly organized resources that were rare compared to those of its competitors in the steel making industry. According to Arcelor FCS Commercial Magazine (2005), Mittal reacted very promptly to signals from the market. This is in comparison to Arcelor, which is said to have been less reactive, enabling Mittal to come up with a sharp analysis that helped to develop and implement action plans immediately. In addition, according to Global Steel Consultants (2006), Mittal’s strategy has always been to grow by acquisition, and for that reason, it has continued to grow even after merging with Arcelor.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Victory of Mittal Over Arcelor in Global Steel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mittal’s initial plan to merge with Arcelor attracted a six months battle from governments, the banking industry, analysts, and shareholders. This was marked with a lot of opposition that made Arselor’s management resolve to merge with Severstal, a Russian company. The management had further suggested an dividend increment to its shareholders incase they rejected Mittal’s move to merge with Arselor. Finally, governments, shareholders, and analysts supported the merge between the two companies. From the unfolding of these events, it is evident that Arcelor needed a merge with another steel producing company though they co uld not find any other firm whose resources could merge or substitute those of Mittal. Not even Severstal could measure up to Mittal. This is simply because Mittal’s resources were non-substitutable. As Robinson (2009) stated, prior to the merger, Mittal was still the world’s largest steel company. This outstanding stability and credibility of Mittal over Arcelor prior to the amalgamation has made the current ArcelorMittal firm to maintain its superior performance and competitive advantage over its rivals globally. Mittal’s victory evidently sustained in the ArcelorMittal group According to ArcelorMittal leads other big steel-producing firms in the world due to its superior quality products and industrial processes. According to 10 Reasons You Should Buy Arcelor Mittal Bars over Other Big Steel Producers (2009), the reasons for its superiority over other firms are four-fold: Chemical properties, physical properties, processes, and commercial terms. Reasons behin d the superiority of ArcelorMittal There are various reasons that led to ArcelorMittal taking a superior position in the market. First, Sulfur, phosphorus, and nitrogen are all impurities of steel. ArcelorMittal produces steel bars with lower amounts of these components compared to those produced by other companies. Hence its steel bars are pure and of high quality. Second, whereas most steel-producing companies produce short steel bars that make them weak, problematic, and non-uniform, ArcelorMittal produces steel bars that are uniform and strong. Third, the firm uses colossus sum of money in research every year to improve the quality of its products and retain its customers. ArcelorMittal always seeks to attract and nurture the best people. All industrial plants are in the process of certification. Fourth, ArcelorMittal has the most competitive prices for its products compared to that of other big steel companies. Its rebars are also packed in 2MT ton bundles for ease of handling. The bars are also available in standard length of 12 meters.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion ArcelorMittal has demonstrated the success a firm can have through mergers, more so due to the enormous resources that may be applied to ensure all faculties of the firm are strong. In addition, adequate resources allow the firm to formulate strategies that cannot only allow it to establish its identity and competitive advantage, but also to maximize its profitability. Moreover, the resource based theory postulates that a firm will be competitive only if it utilizes its resources capabilities on sound strategies. Reference List Arcelor FCS Commercial Magazine. 2005. Steel solutions for a better world. (Attached material). Barney, J. B. and Clark, D. N., 2010. Resource-based theory: creating and sustaining competitive advantage. Journal of Marketing Management. London, Oxford University Press. Caldeira, M. and Ward, J., 2001. Using resource-based theory to explain the successful adoption and use of information systems and technology in manufacturing small and medium term e nterprises. Global co-operation in the new millennium. (Attached material). Global steel consultants. 2006. Mittal and Arcelor: Do they fit? (Attached material). Gossy, G., 2008. A stakeholder rationale for risk management: implications for corporate finance decisions. Gabler Verlag. Web. Grant, R.M., 2009. The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage: Implications for strategy formulation. Berkeley, University of California. Oglesby, R. A., and Adams, M.G., 2009. Business Research Yearbook. Global Business Perspectives, Volume Xvi, Number 2. International Academy of Business Studies. (Attached material). Robinson, S., 2009. The mergers and acquisitions review. United Kingdom: Law Business Research Limited. (Attached Material). Silviano, E. (2006). The resource-based theory of the firm and firm survival. Small business economics, 30:231–249. Springer: Spain. (Attached material). 10 Reasons You Should Buy Arcelor Mittal Bars over Other Big Steel Producers. 2009. 10 Reaso ns You Should Buy Arcelor Mittal Bars over Other Big Steel Producers. (Attached Material). This essay on Victory of Mittal Over Arcelor in Global Steel was written and submitted by user Jillian Farmer to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.